Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Chicago, Illinois
Operating support.
100000 over 2 years
Beyond Pesticides
Washington, DC
Safe Lawn, Landscapes and Public Spaces Campaign.
Bike Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
Clean Fuels Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Metroparks System
Cleveland, Ohio
Economic benefits analysis.
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.
San Francisco, California
Climate and Energy Funders Group.
Council of Michigan Foundations, Inc.
Grand Haven, Michigan
Great Lakes Funder Collaborative.
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
Consulting program.
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
Operating support.
180000 over 2 years
Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Fracking symposium.
Environmental Grantmakers Association
New York, New York
Operating support.
Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest
Chicago, lllinois
Ohio Clean Energy Initiative.
$200,000 over 2 years
Franklin County Historical Society
Columbus, Ohio
Advanced Energy Economy Ohio Institute start-up support.
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Inc.
Coral Gables, Florida
Operating support.
$50,000 over 2 years
Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment and Technology
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Water Alliance.
Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment and Technology
Cleveland, Ohio
LakeStat Initiative.
Great Lakes United
Amherst, New York
Operating support.
Greater Ohio Policy Center Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Work with Ohio's Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
Health Care Without Harm
Reston, Virginia
Ohio Healthier Hospitals and Climate Leadership project.
Institute for Conservation Leadership
Takoma Park, Maryland
Strengthening Ohio Leaders and Organizations program.
$185,000 over 2 years
Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
MAGNET-ME3 program.
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
Washington, DC
Great Lakes Network.
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
New York, New York
Community Fracking Defense Project work in Ohio.
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
Public policy work to support conservation.
150000 over 2 years
New Agrarian Center
Oberlin, Ohio
Operating support.
North Union Farmers Market
Cleveland, Ohio
A Time to Grow conference.
Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
Cincinnati, Ohio
Fracking project.
Ohio Council of Churches Foundation
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light community organizing.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
Columbus, Ohio
Public policy work.
$141,813 over 2 years
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Energy Advocates.
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Law Clinic and Clean Energy Team.
The Ohio State University Foundation
Columbus, Ohio
Farm-to-school programs.
166486 over 2 years
Rails to Trails Conservancy
Washington, DC
Cleveland/Detroit reciprocal greenways and trails visit.
SAW, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Crops food processing project.
Up to $400,000 over 2 years
Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Facilities master plan.
Energy Foundation
San Francisco, California
Ohio Clean Energy Initiative.
The Ohio Organizing Collaborative
Columbus, Ohio
Community organizing on fracking-related issues.
The Sierra Club Foundation
San Francisco, California
Ohio chapter operating support.
Trust for Public Land
San Francisco, California
Connecting Cleveland Campaign.
$2,000,000 over 2 years
Virginia Organizing, Inc.
Charlottesville, Virginia
Hydrofracking Funders Working Group.
Water Watch of Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Operating support.
$50,000 over 2 years
West Creek Preservation Committee
Parma, Ohio
Operating support.
2013 Grants
$24,786,145 / 234 Grants