Awarded Grants
- arts
- civic affairs
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
African American Museum
Cleveland, Ohio
Transition expenses.
African Soul
Cleveland, Ohio
Administrative and conference support.
Americans for the Arts Inc.
Washington, DC
Arts education activities.
Apollo’s Fire The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Art House, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and artist services.
$40,000 over 2 years
Artists Archives of the Western Reserve
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Broadway School of Music and the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Charenton Theater Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Traveling stage and administrative support.
Cleveland Contemporary Dance Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland International Film Festival Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Jazz Orchestra
Bedford, Ohio
Administrative and marketing support.
Cleveland Modern Dance Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio
Renovation and expansion project.
$5,000,000 over 10 years
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland, Ohio
Production expenses.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating and project support.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Restoration of the Unity Walk sculpture.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Business plan for the journal, “Hotel Bruce.”
Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
‘Angle’ magazine.
$40,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and Danceworks.
Cleveland Shakespeare Festival
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating expenses.
Cleveland Signstage Theatre, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Merger exploration.
Cleveland Women’s Orchestra
Rocky River, Ohio
Instrument purchase and repair.
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Cleveland, Ohio
Research on public funding of the arts.
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland, Ohio
Production costs.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Showtime at High Noon.
Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization
Cleveland, Ohio
Gordon Square Cultural Arts District.
Dobama Theatre Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Artistic and Night Kitchen support.
Downtown Cleveland Partnership
Cleveland, Ohio
Sparx in the City.
Downtown Cleveland Partnership
Cleveland, Ohio
Urban Gallery Hop economic impact study.
Eleanor B. Rainey Memorial Institute, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer arts camp.
Ensemble Theatre of Cleveland
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Fairmount Music Education Fund Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Administrative support.
Friends of the Cleveland School of the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
New Play Festival.
Friends of the Cleveland School of the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Performance coordinator.
Gabrod, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Pointe of Departure’s summer season.
Glenville Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Urban Artscape Mural Project.
Grantmakers in the Arts
Seattle, Washington
Annual conference in Cleveland.
Grantmakers in the Arts
Seattle, Washington
Operating support.
Great Lakes Theater Festival, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Education programs.
Great Lakes Theater Festival, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Theatre Collective.
GroundWorks Dancetheater
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Heights Arts Collaborative Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Gallery support.
Cleveland, Ohio
Arts and cultural programming.
Independent Pictures
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Inlet Dance Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Scholarships for In Let Dance Theatre’s Summer Dance Intensive.
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, Massachusetts
E-learning endowment.
Musical Arts Association The Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland, Ohio
Martin Luther King Jr. concert and open house.
$16,000 over 2 years
Near West Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
New Cleveland Opera Company, dba Cleveland Opera
Cleveland, Ohio
Education department.
Northeast Ohio Jazz Society, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Alliance for Arts in Education
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Arts Education Assessment Project.
Ohio Chamber Ballet
Akron, Ohio
Cleveland performances.
Parkworks, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Arts programs at Cleveland recreation centers.
$20,000 over 2 years
Piano International Association of Northern Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Website development.
Playhouse Square Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Arts Education Consortium.
Poets League of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Writers and Their Friends project.
Professional Flair, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Guest choreographers project.
Progressive Arts Alliance Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
RHAPSODY summer arts camp and summer teacher institute on teaching multi-culturalism through arts-integrated curriculum.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Development of archives and library policies.
Safmod Performance Ensemble
Cleveland, Ohio
Creation of new performance pieces.
Sculpture Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Exhibition support.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$110,000 over 2 years
The Children’s Museum of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Emergency roof repair.
The Children’s Museum of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Exhibit refurbishment.
The Contemporary Youth Orchestra
Cleveland, Ohio
Rock the Orchestra project.
The Contemporary Youth Orchestra
Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting services.
The New Orchestra of Cleveland
Solon, Ohio
Start-up support.
The Ohio Arts Foundation, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Taiko artist exchange program.
Thea Bowman Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth music program.
Verb Ballets
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Exhibit: “Every Four Years: The Making of the American President.”
Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Initiative for Cultural Arts in Education.
Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Unity Walk sculpture restoration.
Civic Affairs
Cleveland Bridge Builders, Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Expenses related to four participants’ attendence at the Reinventing America’s Older Communities conference, to be held in January 2004.
Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
Washington, DC
Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse.
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Expenses related to one participant’s attendence at the Reinventing America’s Older Communities conference, to be held in January 2004.
The Racial Fairness Project, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Program support.
Economic Development and Community Revitalization
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
Washington, DC
Legal Action Project.
Brookings Institution
Washington, DC
Urban and Metropolitan Policy Center.
$375,000 over 3 years
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Mandel School Senior Visiting Scholar in the Practice of Public Policy.
City of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
National League of Cities National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials Annual Conference in Cleveland.
Cleveland Bridge Builders, Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Say Yes! to Cleveland.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Inroads: Workforce Summit 2004.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
New Convention Center study.
Cleveland Housing Network, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic development and capacity building initiative.
Cleveland Institute of Music
Cleveland, Ohio
Darius Robert Barber Memorial.
Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Detroit-Superior Bridge pedestrian-bikeway railings retrofit.
Cudell Improvement Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
West Tech Learning Consortium.
Cuyahoga Community Land Trust Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio City Land Trust Homes project.
Cuyahoga County Public Library
Cleveland, Ohio
Research on library consolidation in Cuyahoga County.
Famicos Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Computer learning center for low-income families.
First Suburbs Consortium Development Council
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Micro-housing pilot project.
Greater Cleveland Sports Commission
Cleveland, Ohio
International Children’s Games and Cultural Festival.
Harbor Heritage Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Mather Museum operating support.
Hard Hatted Women
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Hispanic Roundtable Community Programs
Cleveland, Ohio
Hispanic Roundtable Convencion Hispana 2004.
Kent State University Foundation
Kent, Ohio
Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative.
Look Up to Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Neighborhood Funders Group, Inc.
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Neighborhood Funders Group, Inc.
Washington, DC
Program Related Investment Makers Network.
Neighborhood Progress Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating and program support.
$3,000,000 over 3 years
Northeast Ohio Alliance for Hope We-Can
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio CDC Association
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Great Again! How Philanthropy Can Help Transform Our Regional Economy Conference.
Ohio State University Development Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Community Gardening Program.
Parkworks, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Downtown and Neighborhood Greenspace Projects.
Policy Matters Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
State-level public policy research on economic issues.
Shorebank Enterprise Group
Cleveland, Ohio
Program-related investment.
Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Student participation in micro-technology conference.
Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Economic opportunity development in Cleveland’s upper east side neighborhoods.
Slavic Village Development
Cleveland, Ohio
Broadway Diversity in Progress initiative.
Substance of Life Enterprises, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Sole Renewables Project.
The City Club Forum Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
County government reform presentations.
United Labor Agency, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Community hiring hall for day laborers.
United Labor Agency, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Community Hiring Hall review.
University Circle Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
University Circle Access Boulevard design and opportunity identification study.
Urban Land Institute
Washington, DC
Design of first ring suburbs financial intermediary.
Urban League of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Multicultural Business Development Center.
Vocational Guidance Services
Cleveland, Ohio
Capacity building through YO!
Yale Alumni Association of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
summer intern program.
America SCORES
New York, New York
Cleveland SCORES program.
American Youth Policy Forum
Washington, DC
Congressional staff nonpartisan briefings on educational programs and policies.
Art On Wheels Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Student video and photography project on public schools.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organziations.
$120,000 over 2 years
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Mandel Center’s Youth Philanthropy and Service program.
$50,000 over 2 years
Center on Education Policy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
$250,000 over 2 years
City Year Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
Young Heroes Program.
Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System
Cleveland, Ohio
‘North Coast Neighbors Share a Book’ reading campaign.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Regional literacy coalition planning activities.
Up to $50,000
Cleveland Heights/University Heights City School District
University Heights, Ohio
Dialogue for community-based organizations interested in supporting the school district.
Cleveland Initiative for Education
Cleveland, Ohio
School leadership training and literacy system development.
Cleveland Initiative for Education
Cleveland, Ohio
Review of school reform support organizations.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Academic standards implementation.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Communications efforts.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
CEO Support and Development Fund.
Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
College advisory services and last-dollar scholarships for Cleveland and first-ring suburban high school students.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
First-Ring Leadership Academy.
Cleveland Tomorrow
Cleveland, Ohio
Bond Accountability Commission.
Community Renewal Society
Chicago, Illinois
‘Catalyst Cleveland’ news magazine.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School Board nominating panel process.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Gap Grant Program.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Technology Academy.
David N. Myers College
Cleveland, Ohio
Capacity building for capital campaign.
E City
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Earth Day Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Student Environmental Congress.
$30,000 over 2 years
East Cleveland Public Library
East Cleveland, Ohio
Library expansion and renovation.
Up to $50,000
Editorial Projects In Education, Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland
National education symposium.
Education Writers Association
Washington, DC
Revision of Covering the Education Beat handbook for journalists and website update.
Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation Inc.
Brookline, Massachusetts
Operating support.
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
School-community research and education project.
New York, New York
National antibullying and harassment programs.
$100,000 over 2 years
Grantmaker Forum on Community and National Service
Berkeley, California
Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement operating support.
Grantmakers for Education
Portland, Oregon
Briefings on union-district-community collaboration and the achievement gap.
Grantmakers for Education
Portland, Oregon
Operating support.
Hathaway Brown School
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Aspire Program.
Cleveland, Ohio
The SMART Consortium.
Cleveland, Ohio
RAISE science literacy program.
John Carroll University
University Heights, Ohio
Institute for Educational Renewal.
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio 8 Coalition.
Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Safe Schools Are for Everyone program.
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
New York, New York
Opening Doors Enhanced Services Program.
$100,000 over 2 years
Merrick House
Cleveland, Ohio
Tremont Urban Foods Systems.
Minority Student Achievement Network
Evanston, Illinois
Operating support.
Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Northeastern Ohio Science Fair
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
2004 Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair.
Ohio Aerospace Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
FIRST Buckeye Regional Robotics Program.
Ohio Fair Schools Campaign
Athens, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Funders Promoting Service and Service Learning.
Parents for Public Schools
Evanston, Illinois
Evaluation project.
Public Education Network
Washington, DC
Public hearings on the No Child Left Behind Act.
Senior Outreach Services
Cleveland, Ohio
The Living Legacy: Impact of Brown v. Board and Reed v. Rhodes oral history project.
Shaker Heights City School District
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Efforts to close the achievement gap between African-American and white students.
$80,000 over 2 years
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education Project.
$128,000 over 2 years
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District Comprehensive Health Plan implementation assistance.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Leadership training for Cleveland Municipal School District Board.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
School-community research and communications.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
GIS mapping of sites in Cleveland for after-school activities.
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Institute for Progressive Teacher Union Leadership start-up.
The Learning Communities Network, Inc.
Independence, Ohio
Cleveland Schools Reform Support Case Study project.
The Old Stone Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Parenting and Literacy Program.
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars
Washington, DC
Ohio Initiative.
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
New York, New York
Operating support.
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Fairfax, Virginia
Operating support.
United States Conference of Mayors
Washington, DC
Ohio Mayor’s Education Roundtable.
University of Cincinnati Foundation
Cincinnati, Ohio
Teacher Quality Partnership program.
Urban League of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Career Beginnings.
West Side Community House
Cleveland, Ohio
Literacy Collaborative.
$35,000 over 2 years
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
School to career program planning.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
American Farmland Trust
Washington, DC
Ohio office operating support.
$74,000 over 2 years
Beyond Pesticides
Washington, DC
Pesticides exposure reduction in Greater Cleveland schools.
Buckeye Environmental Network
Grove City, Ohio
Consultant review.
Buckeye Environmental Network
Grove City, Ohio
BEN provides information, technical and organizing assistance statewide to disadavantaged communities on local toxics threats. General support. Contact: Teresa Mills: (614.871.1353)
Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Chagrin River Land Conservancy
Novelty, Ohio
CRLC is a land trust focused on conserving the Chagrin River watershed and its tributaries. For outreach and technical assistance to other lands trusts in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Richard Cochran (440.729.9621)
Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc.
Willoughby, Ohio
Operating support.
$35,000 over 2 years
City of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Start-up support for a sustainability program for the City of Cleveland.
$114,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland, Ohio
Development of cooperative conservation programs with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and the Cleveland Zoo.
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic planning for outreach programs. Contact: Brian Holley (216.721.1600)
Cleveland Metroparks System
Cleveland, Ohio
Wildlife management survey on human-animal interaction in and near urban parks.
$50,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland, Ohio
For the Lake Erie Ecology Conservation and Restoration Symposium, to be held in the fall of 2004. Contact: Jim Bissell (216.231.4600 x3219)
Cleveland Zoological Society
Cleveland, Ohio
The Cleveland Zoological Society is the nonprofit support entity for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, the ninth oldest zoo in the country and home to over 600 species, 116 of them endangered. This grant will go towards continuing efforts by the zoo to enhance the operation of its conservation programs, as well as increase public awareness, through such initiatives as the development of a survey and lecture series about the zoo’s involvement with conservation. Contact: Elizabeth Fowler (216.635.3342)
$90,500 over 2 years
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.
San Francisco, California
The CGBD is a national affinity group of foundations focused on biodiversity conservation. General support. Contact: Lynn Lohr (415.561.6575)
Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization
Cleveland, Ohio
Investing in Healthy Streams for Healthy Communities symposia.
Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization
Cleveland, Ohio
The Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization (CRCPO) is a shareholder-based organization focused on restoration of the Cuyahoga River. This grant will provide funding for the initial planning, outreach, and development of the Cuyahoga/Lake Erie Environmental Restoration Technology Enterprise Center (CLEERTEC), an effort to establish the Cuyahoga River as a center of restoration technology. Contact: Jim White (216.241.2414)
$60,000 over 2 years
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
The CVCC is creating new, sustainable farmsteads in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Contact: Darwin Kelsey (330.657.2532)
$80,000 over 2 years
Earth Day Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
Sustainable Communities Partnership to assist Cleveland neighborhoods with environmental issues.
$120,000 over 2 years
Earth Day Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
Grant funds will be used for travel support for the Dike 14 Environmental Education Collaborative. Representatives will study Crissy Field in San Francisco, a model of urban park restoration. Contact: Chris Trepal (216.281.6468)
EcoCity Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
The EcoVillage project is developing an ecologically sustainable community on the west side of Cleveland. This project is a partnership with Detroit-Shoreway Community Development Corporation. Contact: David Beach (216.961.5020)
$50,000 over 2 years
EcoCity Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
ECC provides a range of planning, education and advocacy programs on a sustainable Cleveland bioregion including open space preservation, urban redevelopment, transportation reform and smart growth. General support. Contact: David Beach (216.961.5020)
Ecological Design Innovation Center
Oberlin, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Foodshed Network.
$80,000 over 2 years
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Washington, DC
Promoting Sustainable Clean Energy and “Energy Smart” Smart Growth.
Environmental Fund for Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$76,000 over 2 years
Environmental Health Watch Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$120,000 over 2 years
Environmental Support Center, Inc.
Washington, DC
For programs assisting nonprofit grassroots environmental organizations in Ohio. Contact: James Abernathy (202.331.9700)
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Inc.
Coral Gables, Florida
National funders directory and conference on green buildings.
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Inc.
Coral Gables, Florida
Operating support.
Grand River Partners, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
GRP conducts land conservation to protect the Grand River in Northeast Ohio. It also coordinates the Grand River Partnership, a consortium of 30 organizations working to protect the Grand River. General support. Contact: Chuck Ashcroft (440.375.7310)
$30,000 over 2 years
Green Energy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
This matching grant will support a 100 foot tall wind data collection tower atop the 50 foot tall Cleveland “Crib,” an offshore structure that serves as the city’s water intake. The test tower is the first step in determining the viability of using wind power in Northeast Ohio, an area that is considered to be a potential site for wind power. Contact: William Spratley (614.985.6131)
Heartwood, Incorporated
Bloomington, Indiana
Operating support.
Institute for America’s Future Inc.
Washington, DC
Apollo Project analysis of adapting existing manufacturing capacity in Northeast Ohio to the growing renewable energy market.
Institute for Conservation Leadership
Takoma Park, Maryland
Great Lakes Leadership Development Program workshops.
$104,780 over 2 years
Land Trust Alliance, Inc.
Washington, DC
Technical assistance and training for land trusts in Ohio.
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.
Washington, DC
LCVEF will conduct nonpartisan voter identification and education to encourage pro-environment voters to participate in the fall elections. A component of this is part of a national college “get out the vote” effort. Contact: Marnie Urso (216.281.4077)
Medina Summit Land Conservancy
Medina, Ohio
This grant will go towards a data assembly and a process that will map and identify priorities for a master plan for MSLC’s conservation program in Medina and Summit Counties. The project will assemble information on existing protected sites, unique features and ecosystem elements for conservation, as well as coordinate with current partners’ priorities. Contact: Chris Bunch (330.722.7313)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Great Lakes Environmental Journalism Training Institute.
National Audubon Society
New York, New York
This grant will support the Ohio Audubon chapter’s Bird Conservation Plan, and site conservation planning and implementation for Important Bird Areas in Ohio. Contact: Jerome Tinianow (614.224.3303)
$110,000 over 2 years
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
Clean Water Network’s Clean Water Week conference.
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
The Corps Reform Network is a coalition of over 100 national, state and local organizations. It seeks ways to improve the environmental performance of the US Corps of Engineers. This grant is for work in the Ohio River and Lake Erie watersheds. Contact: Tim Eder (734.769.3351)
$50,000 over 2 years
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
For the planning, site mapping and partnership development for conservation of migratory bird stopover sites in Western Lake Erie. Contact: John Anderson (312.759.8017x15)
Oberlin Design Initiative
Oberlin, Ohio
ODI will advance adoption of green building principles into downtown development in Oberlin, Ohio. Contact: Michael Roche (440.776.0209)
Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Inc.
Akron, Ohio
OECCC provides a range of technical assistance to trail and greenway development on the Ohio and Erie Canal Corridor. General Support. Contact: Dan Rice (330.434.5657)
$50,000 over 2 years
Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
Cincinnati, Ohio
Good Neighbor Program on toxic source sites.
$122,000 over 2 years
Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
Cincinnati, Ohio
The Ohio Open Secrets Project assembles and analyzes campaign finance information for the media, general public, and policymakers. Contact: Catherine Turcer (614.263.4111)
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Grant funds will be used for publication of contaminated fish consumption advisory information to at-risk communities in the Lake Erie Basin. Contact: Vicki L. Deisner (614.487.7506)
Ohio League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Ohio League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Voter education initiative.
Ohio Parklands Foundation
Westerville, Ohio
Ohio Greenways project.
Ohio PIRG Education Fund Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
This intern program will identify, train and place college students in environmental advocacy organizations in Ohio. Contact: Erin Bowser: (614.460.8732)
Ohio River Foundation
Cincinnati, Ohio
Technical assistance and policy coordination for grassroots watershed conservation organizations in the Ohio River basin.
$56,000 over 2 years
Ohio to Erie Trail Fund
Columbus, Ohio
To assist trail planning for this statewide trail. General support. Contact: Edward Honton (614.451.8776)
Our Lives Count Inc.
Leavittsburg, Ohio
Regional Environmental Assistance and Coordinated Help project.
River Network
Portland, Oregon
Travel fellowships for grassroots leaders from the Ohio and Lake Erie watersheds to the 2004 River Rally in Virginia. Contact: Don Elder (503.241.3506)
River Network
Portland, Oregon
Training and technical assistance for grassroots watershed conservation groups in the Lake Erie and Ohio River basins.
$90,000 over 2 years
Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.
New York, New York
This grant will provide operating support to the Environmental Grantmakers Association. Contact: Sarah Hansen (212.812.4260)
Rockwood Leadership Program
Berkeley, California
This grant will support third leadership training for social change leaders in Northeastern Ohio. Contact: Jennifer Cobb (510.524.4000x105)
Rocky Mountain Institute
Snowmass, Colorado
Regenerative Development Zone creation in the Cuyahoga Valley.
$100,000 over 18 months
Rural Action, Inc.
Trimble, Ohio
Citizen Environmental Monitoring training for Ohio volunteers.
Rural Action, Inc.
Trimble, Ohio
Sustainable Forest Economies Project in Appalachian Ohio.
Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Entrepreneurs for Sustainability.
$92,000 over 2 years
Slavic Village Development
Cleveland, Ohio
Slavic Village Development is a neighborhood-based community development corporation with programs focusing on housing, retail and commercial development, recreation, parks, and other amenities contributing to a livable community. Kingsbury Run is the stream that runs from Maple Heights and Warrensville Heights to the Cuyahoga River. This grant will fund initial planning for the Kingsbury Run Greenway Project, an urban ecological initiative that aims to clean and restore the Kingsbury Run Valley as a commun
St. Clair-Superior Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
SCSC is a Cleveland neighborhood-based organization near downtown Cleveland. This grant will assist them in addressing an array of local environmental quality issues including industrial toxics sources. Contact: Diane Swander (216.881.0644)
$80,000 over 2 years
The Cleveland Green Building Coalition, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
For the Sustainable Communities Symposium 2004. SCS 2004 is a multiday gathering of sustainability projects in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Wendell Robinson (216.961.8850)
The Enterprise Foundation
Columbia, Maryland
Green Communities Partnership for green affordable housing in Cleveland.
$100,000 over 2 years
The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, Inc.
Washington, DC
Earth Gauge broadcast meteorology program for Lake Erie.
The Regents of the University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
For a Northeastern Ohio case study as part of a book on regional open space planning and conservation. Contact: Donna Erickson (734.763.1577)
The Regents of the University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Great Lakes Radio Consortium journalist training.
$50,000 over 2 years
The Society of Environmental Journalists Inc.
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Grant funds will be used to provide travel fellowships for Ohio journalists to Pittsburgh for the annual conference. Contact: Beth Parke (215.884.8174)
Tinkers Creek Land Conservancy
Twinsburg, Ohio
The Tinkers Creek watershed encompasses approximately 100 square miles south and east of Cleveland, and is the largest sub-watershed of the Cuyahoga River. This grant will be used for a study to map the watershed, identify sites of high ecological value, and develop plans for a concerted effort to protect the most important elements of the ecosystem. Contact: Marion Olson (330.425.4159)
Trust for Public Land
San Francisco, California
Ohio field office operating support.
West Creek Preservation Committee
Parma, Ohio
Operating support.
$45,000 over 2 years
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, Ohio
‘Big and Green’ is a 3,000 square foot traveling exhibit created by the National Building Museum that portrays examples of how green building techniques have been applied to large buildings and other mega-structures. This temporary exhibit will be premiered in partnership with and in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Ohio Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Contact: Patrick Reymann (216.721.5722)
Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
Center for Farmland Preservation in Northeast Ohio.
Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
Countryside Program.
Human Services
Adoption Network Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Adopt Ohio’s Kids initiative.
Advocates for Youth
Washington, DC
Comprehensive sexuality education advocacy.
AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy program.
Alliance for Justice
Washington, DC
Nonprofit Advocacy Project and Foundation Advocacy Initiative.
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.
New York, New York
Reproductive Freedom Project.
Bellflower Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse
Cleveland, Ohio
Child abuse training programs.
Berea Children’s Home
Berea, Ohio
Public policy position.
Brookings Institution
Washington, DC
Block grant policy brief.
Capital University
Columbus, Ohio
The National Center for Adoption Law and Policy.
$75,000 over 2 years
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Schubert Center for Child Development.
$150,000 over 2 years
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
University Hospital Center for AIDS Research conference on immune mechanisms and HIV disease pathogenesis.
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer youth grants.
Center for Adolescent Health and the Law
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Operating support.
Center for Adolescent Health and the Law
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Consent and confidentiality project.
Center for American Progress
Washington, DC
One field hearing on early childhood education.
Center for Community Change
Washington, DC
Ohio Family Health Survey.
Center for Community Change
Washington, DC
Coalition on Human Needs.
$80,000 over 2 years
Center for Families and Children
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy program and regionalism conference.
Center for Law and Social Policy
Washington, DC
Public policy and advocacy.
$200,000 over 2 years
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Washington, DC
State tax policy initiative.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Washington, DC
Operating support.
$300,000 over 2 years
Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, Ohio
T.E.A.C.H. and workforce development initiative.
$250,000 over 2 years
Children Incorporated
Covington, Kentucky
Children: Our Common Wealth conference.
Choice USA
Washington, DC
Next Generation initiative.
$50,000 over 2 years
Christian Legal Services of Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Baseball Federation
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer youth baseball league.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Sexual Assault Response Team initiative.
$65,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Zoological Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Rising Waters Summer Day Camp planning.
Coalition For Greater Cleveland’s Children
Cleveland, Ohio
Transition expenses.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$115,000 over 2 years
College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio
Research project on incarcerated and paroled youth.
Community Re-Entry, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
County of Cuyahoga
Cleveland, Ohio
Foster/Adoptive parent recruitment.
Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners
Cleveland, Ohio
Invest in Children initiative.
$1,000,000 over 3 years
Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Enrichment Consortium.
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
Cleveland, Ohio
Community and Supportive Services component of Valleyview redevelopment.
Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Community Services Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Social outreach programs.
East End Neighborhood House Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Furnace replacement.
Evangelical Lutheran Church In America
East Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Enhancement Project.
Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
Community education and advocacy, staff development and patient care initiatives.
Family Planning Services of Lorain County
Elyria, Ohio
Operating support.
$50,000 over 2 years
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy and advocacy initiatives.
$450,000 over 3 years
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Research on Northeast Ohio nonprofit database.
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy program.
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Sexual Health project.
Feminist Majority Foundation
Arlington, Virginia
Clinic Access Project.
Funders Concerned About AIDS, Inc.
New York, New York
Public policy program.
Funders Network on Population Reproductive Health and Rights
Rockville, Maryland
Operating support.
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
HIV and Medicaid policy project.
Glenville Community Youth Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Summer Employment and Enrichment Program.
Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Inc.
Silver Spring, Maryland
Operating support.
Grantmakers in Health
Washington, DC
Philanthropic services.
Grantmakers in Health
Washington, DC
National Meeting on “Health and Fiscal Policy: What Every Funder Should Know.”
Hunger Task Force of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Westhaven youth shelter.
$45,000 over 2 years
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Consortium to End Lead Poisoning bridge funding.
New York, New York
Pre-K Quality study design.
Merrick House
Cleveland, Ohio
Advocates for Budget Legislation Equity.
MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Family Advocacy Program.
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation
Washington, DC
March for Women’s Lives.
National Abortion Rights Action League of Ohio Education Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
National Health Law Program, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
Medicaid policy analyses.
Neighborhood Health Care Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Tremont clinic expansion.
$50,000 over 2 years
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Homeless Legal Assistance Program.
Up to $20,000
Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Inc.
Covington, Kentucky
Ohio office operating support.
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks
Columbus, Ohio
Public policy and advocacy.
Ohio City Near West Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio City Bike Co-op Earn-A-Bike program.
Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Columbus, Ohio
Expansion of Cleveland programming.
Parkworks, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Junior Park Liaisons.
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health
New York, New York
Minors’ access and Preserve projects.
Planned Parenthood of Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Transportation for March for Women’s Lives.
Police Athletic League
Cleveland, Ohio
Girls’ summer basketball league.
Positive Education Program
Cleveland, Ohio
Intervention Based Bibliotherapy Program.
$50,000 over 2 years
Preterm Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Public policy and advocacy.
$100,000 over 2 years
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
National Network for Child Safety.
Rutgers University Foundation
Piscataway, New Jersey
Network for Family Life Education.
$65,000 over 2 years
Rycus-Hughes Institute for Human Services
Columbus, Ohio
Child welfare colloquies series.
Shoes for Kids, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Clothes distribution program.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Review and assessment of Ohio’s Medicaid eligibility determination for people with disabilities.
The Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc.
New York, New York
‘What If Roe Fell?’ project.
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Center for Autism study.
The Education Fund of Family Planning Advocates of New York State, Inc.
Albany, New York
National Advisory Board on Religious Restrictions in Health Care.
The Equal Justice Foundation
Columbus, Ohio
Access to Justice initiative.
$160,000 over 2 years
The Every Child Matters Education Fund
Washington, DC
Voter education activities.
The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Syringe Exchange Program.
The Kindling Group NFP
Chicago, Illinois
‘A Doula Story’ documentary.
The Lakewood Foundation
Lakewood, Ohio
Greater Cleveland Family Support Consortium.
$45,000 over 2 years
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, New Jersey
Cover the Uninsured Week.
Third Wave Direct Action, Inc.
New York, New York
Reproductive Health and Justice Initiative.
Towards Employment Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Merger with Cleveland Works.
Transitional Housing, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Interagency collaboration project.
Universal Health Care Action Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Hospital Free Care Project.
Voices for Children of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Western Reserve Rowing Association
Rocky River, Ohio
Summer youth rowing program.
Women’s Community Fund
Cleveland, Ohio
Development and staff support.
Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland Ohio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Special Commitments
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Business Volunteers Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Services to nonprofits.
Council on Foundations, Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Operating support.
Foundation Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Retinal degenerative disease research.
Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues Inc.
New York, New York
Operating support.
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Operating support.
National Center for Family Philanthropy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Annual conference.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Playhouse Square Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
The Campaign for Idea Center.
$1,600,000 over 3 years
The Greater Cleveland Community Shares
Cleveland, Ohio
Scholarships to the National Alliance for Choice in Giving’s training institute in Cleveland.
The Greater Cleveland Community Shares
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$60,000 over 2 years
Women and Foundations Corporate Philanthropy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
2004 Grants
$28,079,047 / 384 Grants