Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
Apollo’s Fire The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Administrative capacity building.
Art House, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Expand administrative capacity.
$10,000 (over 2 years)
Artists Archives of the Western Reserve
Cleveland, Ohio
Administrative support.
Cleveland, Ohio
Exhibition outreach project.
Beck Center for the Cultural Arts
Lakewood, Ohio
Fundraising assistance.
Brite Cleveland
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Brite Winter Festival 2016.
Broadway School of Music and the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Center for Arts-Inspired Learning
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer ArtWorks.
Center for Arts-Inspired Learning
Cleveland, Ohio
Resident Artist Program.
Choral Arts Performing Society Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
"Annelies" project.
Cleveland Arts Education Consortium
Cleveland, Ohio
Manager's position support.
Cleveland Chamber Symphony Council Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Choral Arts Association
Cleveland, Ohio
College Outreach Program.
Cleveland Classical Guitar Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Administrative support.
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland, Ohio
Spectrum CIA 2015.
Cleveland International Film Festival Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Organizational capacity and technical upgrades.
Cleveland Jazz Orchestra
Bedford, Ohio
Transitional support.
Cleveland Modern Dance Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and Spotlight on Excellence Campaign.
Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Beachwood, Ohio
Fundraising enhancements.
$20,000 (over 2 years)
Cleveland Print Room Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Start-up support.
Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating and project support for Danceworks.
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cultural Data Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Operating support.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Free outdoor Tri-C JazzFest concerts.
Dobama Theatre Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Duffy Liturgical Dance Ensemble
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Water/Rights concert.
Famicos Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
One World Festival.
Grantmakers in the Arts
Seattle, Washington
Operating support.
Great Lakes Theater Festival, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Education department.
GroundWorks Dancetheater
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support and strategic plan implementation.
Inlet Dance Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Administrative capacity.
$45,000 over 2 years
Karamu House
Cleveland, Ohio
Opertating support.
Kulture Kids
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating and program support.
Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Cleveland Inkubator literary conference.
Les Delices
Cleveland, Ohio
Outreach programming.
Morgan Art of Paper Making Conservatory and Educational Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Eastern-Style Paper and Paper Arts Studio.
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and visitor experience enhancements.
National Public Radio, Inc.
Washington, DC
Midwest news coverage.
$100,000 over 2 years
Near West Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio City Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Hingetown Hoedown.
Ohio City Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
OhioCity Theatre "Incendiaries" project.
Opera Circle Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland performances.
Opera Per Tutti Opera For All
Cleveland, Ohio
"Tosca" performance.
Piano International Association of Northern Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
ArtsConnect project.
Playhouse Square Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Advancing the Legacy: Ohio Theatre restoration.
$3,000,000 over 3 years
Praxis Integrated Fiber Workshop
Cleveland, Ohio
Start-up support.
Professional Flair, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Anniversary activities.
Progressive Arts Alliance Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Website development.
$49,500 over 18 months
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Induction ceremony events.
Sculpture Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Outdoor Sculpture Inventory website upgrade.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
St. Clair-Superior Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Upcycle Parts Shop start-up support.
St. Clair-Superior Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
CAN Journal.
The Musical Arts Association
Cleveland, Ohio
League of American Orchestras conference in Cleveland.
Theater Ninjas Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Artistic support.
Verb Ballets
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Waterloo Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Internships and administrative expenses.
Waterloo Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Emergency Roof Repair.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Starts Here, a new permanent exhibit at Cleveland History Center.
$250,000 over 2 years
Zygote Press Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating and 20th anniversary support.
Economic Development and Community Revitalization
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Innovation Summit: Models of Innovation.
City Club of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Facilities technology upgrade.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cuyahoga County Director of Economic Development search.
Cleveland Housing Network, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic Initiatives in Neighborhood Capacity-Building.
Cleveland Leadership Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Consultation work for Consent Decree.
Cleveland Leadership Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Restoration Society Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Programming and operating support.
Downtown Cleveland Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Support for downtown development.
$900,000 over 3 years
Economic Growth Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Minority Business Service Providers Collaborative Pilot.
Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Ecodistrict/Sustainability Initiatives.
Famicos Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
African American Cultural Garden.
Friends of New Orleans Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Forward Cities.
Fund for Our Economic Future
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$4,000,000 over 3 years
Greater Cleveland Congregations
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Greater Cleveland Media Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Film production, attraction and coordination.
Hebrew Free Loan Association
Beachwood, Ohio
Interest free loans in Fairfax and Buckeye Neighborhoods.
Kent State University Foundation
Kent, Ohio
Future City sessions.
Lake View Cemetery Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Garfield Memorial Restoration.
LAND studio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and strategic planning.
Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Neighborhood Progress Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Organizational Assessment: External Role, Relationships and Impact.
New Village Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Opportunity Corridor - Strategy for Advancing Site Assembly.
Up to $250,000
Cleveland, Ohio
Connected Cities Tour.
Policy Matters Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland, Ohio
10th anniversary celebration.
Presidents’ Council Foundation Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Emerging Entrepreneurs Program.
Restoring Our Communities
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
St. Clair-Superior Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
University Circle Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Architectural Review Board activities.
University Circle Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Transportation Management Coordinator.
$150,000 over 2 years
Venture for America Inc.
New York, New York
Venture for America Northeast Ohio.
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Bard High School Early College Cleveland II.
$150,000 over 18 months
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Bard High School Early College Cleveland.
City Year Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
City Year Cleveland.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Portfolio of Excellent Schools Initiative.
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Cleveland, Ohio
School Portfolio Decision Making Model.
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Start-up support for new schools at John Marshall High School, Cleveland High School for the Digital Arts and Cleveland School of the Arts.
Cleveland Municipal School District Transformation Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
College Now Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
College access advising services, scholarships and retention services for Cleveland Metropolitan School District students.
College Now Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Higher Education Compact of Greater Cleveland.
Education Law Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Legal Issues for Schools workshop.
Education Resource Strategies Inc.
Watertown, Massachusetts
CMSD student-based budgeting.
Esperanza Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Friends of Breakthrough Schools
Cleveland, Ohio
Breakthrough Charter Schools growth plan.
Grantmakers for Education
Portland, Oregon
Operating support.
Max Warburg Courage Curriculum, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
Operating support.
Montessori Development Partnerships
Burton, Ohio
Stonebrook Montessori School start-up support.
Philanthropy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Education Policy Initiative.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Progress with Chess Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Metropolitan School District chess program.
Stepstone Academy
Cleveland, Ohio
Start-up support.
StudentsFirst Institute
Cincinnati, Ohio
StudentsFirst Ohio operating support.
Teach For America Inc.
New York, New York
Teach For America-Cleveland.
That Can Be Me Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Washington, DC
Ohio Standard Tele-town Hall.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$113,500 over 16 months
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic plan.
Advanced Energy Economy Ohio Institute
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Chicago, Illinois
Operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
Bike Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$210,000 over 2 years
Clean Fuels Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Midwest Green Fleets Forum and Expo.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland, Ohio
GreenCityBlueLake Institute's Sustainability Codes project.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Water Resilient Cities: Climate Change and Infrastructure, Economies and Governance in the Great Lakes Basin conference.
Cleveland Water Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Common Wealth, Inc.
Youngstown, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Regional Food Council assessment.
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.
San Francisco, California
Climate and Energy Funders Group.
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
Countryside Center.
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
Operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
Earthshare Chapters Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland
Earthshare Ohio 20th anniversary celebration.
Energy Foundation
San Francisco, California
Public will building in Ohio.
Energy Foundation
San Francisco, California
Ohio Key States Initiative.
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.
New York, New York
Reframing the Energy Debate in Ohio.
Environmental Grantmakers Association
New York, New York
Operating support.
Environmental Grantmakers Association
New York, New York
Operating support.
Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest
Chicago, lllinois
Ohio's energy future tour research project.
Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest
Chicago, lllinois
Ohio Clean Energy Initiative.
$200,000 over 2 years
FracTracker Ohio
Alliance, Ohio
Operating support.
Fresh Energy
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Midwest Energy News.
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Inc.
Coral Gables, Florida
Operating support.
$60,000 over 2 years
Greater Ohio Policy Center Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
2015-2018 strategic plan.
Institute for Conservation Leadership
Takoma Park, Maryland
Strengthening Ohio Leaders and Organizations Initiative.
$220,000 over 2 years
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.
Washington, DC
Ohio League of Conservation Voters.
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
National Audubon Society
New York, New York
Audubon Ohio Climate initiative.
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
Changing Perceptions and Building a Base for Action on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Water Quality in Ohio.
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
Ohio Water Trust project management.
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
Operating support and Ohio Water Trust.
$200,000 over 2 years
Neighborhood Progress Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Transit-Oriented Development Scorecard and Implementation Plan.
New Agrarian Center
Oberlin, Ohio
City Fresh operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Ohio City Bicycle Co-Op
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic planning and professional development.
Ohio City Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Engineering for Lorain Avenue bikeway.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$180,000 over 2 years
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Strategic planning.
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Executive director search.
Rails to Trails Conservancy
Washington, DC
Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition.
$200,000 over 2 years
Smart Growth America
Washington, DC
TIGER grant application preparation.
Trust for Public Land
San Francisco, California
TIGER grant application preparation.
Trust for Public Land
San Francisco, California
Operating support.
$180,000 over 2 years
Virginia Organizing, Inc.
Charlottesville, Virginia
Health and Environmental Funders Network.
Water Watch of Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Operating support.
$50,000 over 2 years
West Creek Preservation Committee
Parma, Ohio
Parmadale Project.
West Creek Preservation Committee
Parma, Ohio
Operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Energy Future Tour communications rollout.
Human Services
Advocates for Youth
Washington, DC
Advocacy on science-based comprehensive sexuality education for youth.
AIDS Resource Center Ohio Inc.
Dayton, Ohio
State advocacy and policy analysis.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Health Data Matters Dashboard.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences capital campaign.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Center for Innovative Practices' PERI initiative.
Up to $85,000 over 2 years
Catholic Charities Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Friend of the Court and Unaccompanied Minors Pro Bono Programs.
Center for Law and Social Policy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
$160,000 over 2 years
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Washington, DC
Operating support.
$200,000 over 18 months
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Director of Human Services search.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Chief talent officer search.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cuyahoga County Leader Recruitment.
Cleveland Foodbank, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Advocacy initiatives.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Public policy-related housing initiatives for low-income Ohioans.
$160,000 over 2 years
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
One Ohio Now.
Community Initiatives
San Francisco, California
groundWork operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Community Service Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Council for a Strong America
Washington, DC
Ohio office operating support.
Council of State Governments
Lexington, Kentucky
Stepping Up.
Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Court Division
Cleveland, Ohio
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Cuyahoga County.
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
Cleveland, Ohio
Choice Neighborhood initiative implementation.
$65,000 over 2 years
Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Justice System Response Initiative.
$80,000 over 2 years
Effective Leadership Academy
Beachwood, Ohio
Camp scholarships.
Envision Excellence in STEM Education
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Design of the Early Childhood Fab Lab at the Cleveland Children's Museum.
Equality Ohio Education Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Northeast Ohio regional office.
Family Planning Services of Lorain County
Elyria, Ohio
Operating support for teen clinics.
$50,000 over 2 years
Flying Horse Farms
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
HIV Health Care Transitions Project.
$80,000 over 2 years
Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Macedonia, Ohio
Camp scholarships.
Hands On Northeast Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Homeless Stand Down.
Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
Juvenile Justice Coalition
Bath, Ohio
Operating support.
Up to $80,000
Lake County Free Clinic
Painesville, Ohio
Organizational assessment and partnership exploration project.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support for the Office of Advocacy.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
Volunteer program at Lakeside Emergency Men's Shelter.
Magnolia Clubhouse, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Medical consultant.
Media In The Public Interest, Inc.
Boulder, Colorado
Ohio News Project.
Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Mental Health Services for Homeless Persons Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
FrontLine Service strategic plan.
Metanoia Project Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Metanoia Project Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
MobileMed1, Inc.
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Movement Strategy Center
Oakland, California
Movement for Black Lives conference.
Near West Side Multi Service Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Health insurance access initiatives.
Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Inc.
Covington, Kentucky
Operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy advocacy.
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks
Columbus, Ohio
Public policy agenda.
Up to $180,000 over 2 years
Ohio Campus Compact
Granville, Ohio
Campus voter education and engagement.
Ohio Poverty Law Center
Columbus, Ohio
Work on preserving health care access for low income Ohioans.
Philanthropy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Health Initiative.
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Policy Matters Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
State fiscal project.
Preterm Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Capital campaign.
Providence House, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Elisabeth's House: The Prentiss Wellness Nursery.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Behavioral Health Leadership Group and Managing Care Work Group.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Advocates for Ohio's Future.
$100,000 over 2 years
Rutgers University Foundation
Piscataway, New Jersey
Comprehensive sexuality education programs and Cuyahoga County training.
$75,000 over 2 years
ScenariosUSA Inc.
Brooklyn, New York
Operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood implementation.
St. Malachi Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Homeless services.
Stella Maris Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Service sustainability through Medicaid.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Collaborative for Comprehensive School Aged Health, Advocates for Youth and AIDS Funding Collaborative.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Center for Medicaid Policy: Behavioral Health and Managed Care for Multi-System Youth.
$180,000 over 2 years
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Transformation Fund.
Up to $200,000 over 2 years
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Northeast Ohio LARC initiative.
Up to $200,000 over 2 years
The Centers for Families and Children
Cleveland, Ohio
2000 Days parent initiative.
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Community Advocacy Program.
$90,000 over 2 years
The Refugee Response
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$75,000 over 2 years
Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
Cuyahoga Partnering for Family Success program.
$75,000 over 2 years
Towards Employment Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy advocacy.
Transitional Housing, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Homeless transition support.
Trinity Cathedral
Cleveland, Ohio
Hunger ministry.
Trustees of Hampshire College
Amherst, Massachusetts
Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program.
$50,000 over 2 years
Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Effective Affordable Care Act implementation in Ohio.
Voices for Ohio’s Children
Cleveland, Ohio
Child health policy activities.
Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland Ohio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
$60,000 over 2 years
Youth Law Center
San Francisco, California
Post-release expansion of Just Beginning juvenile justice program.
YWCA of Cleveland Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
A Place 4 Me.
Special Commitments
Business Volunteers Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Services for nonprofit organizations.
CEOs for Cities
Chicago, Illinois
Cleveland Cluster.
Council on Foundations, Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Operating support.
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Episcopal community services.
Foundation Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Retinal degenerative disease research.
Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
My Retina Tracker.
$5,000,000 over 6 years
Grants Managers Network, Inc.
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Philanthropy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
New Home Fund.
Philanthropy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$123,950 over 2 years
Summer on the Cuyahoga
Bay Village, Ohio
Nonprofit internships.
Summer on the Cuyahoga
Bay Village, Ohio
Nonprofit internships.
The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Medical Marijuana: Truth or Consequences forum.
2015 Grants
$31,762,779 / 256 Grants