Grantmaking /

Awarded Grants


Civic Affairs

Economic Development and Community Revitalization



  • Alaska Conservation Foundation

    Anchorage, Alaska

    ACF is a leader in assisting grassroots organizations with environmental protection and conservation in Alaska. General support. Contact: Deborah Williams (907.276.1917 or

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums

    Silver Spring, Maryland

    There are 22 endangered butterfly species in the U.S., and six in Ohio. AZA will coordinate and assist the Ohio Butterfly Conservation Initiative-a six-zoo (Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati Zoos, and The Wilds) collaborative to restore the butterfly habitat at The Wilds and conduct coordinated public education on butterfly conservation at each zoo. Contact: Sydney Butler (301.562.0777)

    $40,000 over 2 years

  • Beyond Pesticides

    Washington, DC

    For public and policymaker education on toxic impacts and effectiveness of mosquito spraying for West Nile Virus in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Barry Zucker (440.442.1818 or


  • Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.

    Columbus, Ohio

    BFC is a state leader in Ohio on forest conservation on public lands. Its programs include the State Forest Protection Program, and specific efforts on Wayne National Forest and Dysart Woods. General support. Contact: Susan Heitker (740.797.7200 or


  • Case Western Reserve University

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For costs associated with green design and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification of a new 59,098 square foot dormitory building. Contact: Kay Molkentin (216.368.6921 or


  • Center for Health Environment and Justice

    Falls Church, Virginia

    CHEJ assists grassroots toxics groups with organizing and technical assistance. It’s three major program areas are the Environmental Health Alliance, Alliance for Safe Alternatives and Child Proofing Our Community. This grant will support CHEJ’s program activities in the Midwest. Contact: Lois Gibbs (703.237.2249 or


  • Center for Resource Economics

    Washington, DC

    IP will conduct a pilot book release/media/policymaker education program in Cleveland in conjunction with publication of new books on smart growth. Contact: Chuck Savitt (202.232.7933)


  • Center for Watershed Protection

    Ellicott City, Maryland

    Training scholarships for grassroots watershed leaders from Ohio. Contact: Thomas Scheueler (410.461.8323)


  • Chagrin River Land Conservancy

    Novelty, Ohio

    This loan will assist CRLC’s Land Protection Fund in securing high quality properties to protect the Chagrin River watershed. Contact: Rich Cochran (440.729.9621 or


  • Chagrin River Land Conservancy

    Novelty, Ohio

    Workshop on private land conservation for lawyers and land trust leaders in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Rich Cochran (440.720.9621)


  • Citizens Policy Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    CPC’s Money and Politics program continues to gather and analyze data on campaign contributions in Ohio. This project includes journalist training on use of the CPC and state databases, as well as special analyses of contributions on specific issues. Contact: Catherine Turcer (614.263.4111)


  • The Cleveland Green Building Coalition, Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    CGBC provides an array of public awareness, educational, professional training and technical assistance and policy work to advance green building in Northeastern Ohio, including work with public and private sector.

    $120,000 over 2 years

  • The Cleveland Green Building Coalition, Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The CGBC will, in partnership with the Tides Center, plan a conference with the working title “Collaborating For Success III” to be held in Cleveland in the spring of 2004. This conference (building on successful prior meetings in San Francisco and New York) will focus on the creation and operation of multi-tenant nonprofit centers-shared office facilities for nonprofit organizations. This conference will draw participants primarily from the Midwest. Contact: Melanie Kintner (216.961.885


  • Cleveland Metroparks System

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For development of a database to manage volunteer services. Contact: Vern Hartenberg (216.351.6300 x215)


  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    Cleveland, Ohio

    CMNH’s Natural Areas Program manages 3,450 acres in 26 sites in Northeast Ohio. These high biodiversity sites represent unique and rare habitats. This challenge grant (1:1) will help support additional staffing to manage these sites. Contact: Jim Bissell (216.231.4600 x 219)

    $30,000 over 2 years

  • Coast Alliance

    Washington, DC

    For CA’s technical assistance to grassroots organizations around Lake Erie, and related federal policy work. Contact: Dawn Hamilton (202.546.9554 or


  • Collins Center for Public Policy, Inc.

    Miami, Florida

    For the Funder’s Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. Contact: Ben Starrett (305.667.6350 or


  • Commission on Catholic Community Action

    Cleveland, Ohio

    To support a presentation on land stewardship to faith-based landholders. Contact: Len Calabrese (216.696.6525 x 306)


  • Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.

    San Francisco, California

    CGBD is an affinity group of over 45 foundations interested in biodiversity conservation. CGBD provides program research, coordination and meeting support. Operating support. Contact: Lynn Lohr (415.561.6575)


  • Cuyahoga Countryside Conservancy

    Peninsula, Ohio

    This program is developing new sustainable agriculture farmsteads in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. In 2002, four farmsteads were restored and made available, and plans include offering five more in 2003. Contact: Darwin Kelsey (330.657.2532)


  • Cuyahoga County Planning Commission

    Cleveland, Ohio

    To assist a consultancy with the Rocky Mountain Institute on the Cuyahoga Valley Initiative to develop a sustainable industry/ecosystem model for the Cuyahoga Valley. Contact: Paul Alsenas (216.443.3700)


  • Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For the Northeast Ohio Environmental Collaborative to identify common interests and value added opportunities for grantees. Contact: James White ( 216.241.2414 or


  • EarthShare of Ohio

    Columbus, Ohio

    ESO now has 28 Ohio and 39 national and international environmental organization members, and raises funds from 53 workplaces statewide. General support. Contact: Paul Bingle (614.263.6367)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    ECC will initiate, on behalf of and in partnership with Downtown Ohio/Heritage Ohio in Columbus and the Smart Growth Coalition of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, a statewide smart growth coalition entitled Greater Ohio. This coalition will organize, educate and advance state policy options for smart growth. Contact: David Beach (202.662.1881 or

    $240,000 over 2 years

  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For strategic planning for the Green Building Coalition. Contact: Sadhu Johnston (216.623.0033)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The Green Building Coalition’s High Performance Schools Project will assist the Ohio School Facilities Commission in “greening” its Ohio School Design Manual-the “bible” for over $7 billion in school construction funds. GBC will also provide technical assistance to the Cleveland Municipal School District on green building design to assist the District’s 10-year, $1 billion program to renovate 59 and construct 52 new schools. Contact: Sadhu Johnston (216.623.0033)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    ECC’s broad agenda includes regional open space planning, watershed restoration, the Cleveland EcoVillage, transportation planning and policy reform, Green Building Coalition, lakefront planning, as well as a variety of public education activities to promote a sustainable Cleveland bioregion. General support. Contact: David Beach (216.932.3007)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Planning for a statewide Ohio Smart Growth Network. Contact: David Beach (216.961.5020)


  • Ecological Design Innovation Center

    Oberlin, Ohio

    EDIC will coordinate the Northern Ohio Foodshed Network to link local farms with consumers, markets and restrurants. Contact: Brad Masi (440.775.8409 or


  • Environmental and Energy Study Institute

    Washington, DC

    EESI conducts congressional education on energy policy to promote renewables and efficiency incentives, biomass fuels, and green schools. Its smart growth focus is to integrate energy policy and land use policy, improve linkages between smart growth, urban design, energy efficiency and green building design, and identify best practices at the community level. Contact: Carol Werner (202.662.1881 or


  • Environmental Defense, Incorporated

    New York, New York

    For the Ohio advocacy portion of a national campaign to reduce antibiotic use in animal agriculture. Contact: Karen Florini (202.387.3500 x3318 or


  • Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest

    Chicago, lllinois

    ELPC’s energy program will focus on assisting legal actions on New Source Review and coal fired power plants in Southern Ohio, and in ensuring that green power has equal access opportunities to the Midwest power grid. Contact: Howard Learner (312.673.6500)

    $60,000 over 2 years

  • Firelands Land Conservancy

    Oberlin, Ohio

    For a transition to staffed operations for this land conservancy on the west side of Cleveland. Contact: Kate Pilacky (440.774.4226 or

    $10,000 over 2 years

  • The Friends of Euclid Creek

    Lyndhurst, Ohio

    FOEC is a new all-volunteer group dedicated to supporting the Euclid Creek Watershed-23 square miles covering nine communities in Eastern Cuyahoga County. This grant will assist a watershed planning process that will address water quality, runoff and land use issues. Contact: Virginia Aveni (216.381.8433)


  • Great Lakes United

    Amherst, New York

    GLU’s Habitat and Biodiversity Task Force continues to coordinate grassroots groups around the region, working on issues such as navigation system expansion and invasive species. Contact: Margaret Wooster (716.886.0142 or

    $94,000 over 2 years

  • Green Energy Ohio

    Columbus, Ohio

    GEO is a statewide technical assistance, education and advocacy entity working with utilities and communities to promote green power options. General support. Contact: Bill Spratley (614.985.6131 or


  • Heartwood, Incorporated

    Bloomington, Indiana

    HW serves as an umbrella for 56 forest protection organizations in 18 Midwest states. Its Forest Watch program provides technical and leadership development assistance, and information and coordination for campaigns to protect forests on public lands. General support. Contact: Joanna Gras (812.337.8898)


  • Institute for Conservation Leadership

    Takoma Park, Maryland

    For publication and distribution of the “Managing in Hard Times” a nonprofit organizational management manual focused on assisting groups in coping with economic downturns. Contact: Dianne Russell (301.270.2900 ext.2 or


  • The InterChurch Center

    New York, New York

    For the Collaborating for Success II: Creating and Operating Multi-Tenant Nonprofit Centers conference to be held in New York City. This conference will present workshops on a range of technical, financial and sociocultural issues involved in organizing and operating buildings shared by nonprofit organizations. Contact: Hans Vogel (212.870.2932)


  • Land Trust Alliance, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    LTA’s Midwest office will provide training and technical assistance to land trusts throughout Ohio, with emphasis on expanding support in Central and Southern Ohio. Contact: Renee Kivikko (269.324.1683)


  • League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    Funding will provide LCVEF with operating support for the List Enhancement Project and the SOAP Project (Sustainable Ohio Action Partnership) where participants are sent “action alerts” on legislative issues. These programs have provided a significant technological advance to assist grantees and others in collectively impacting environmental public policy. Funds will also support journalist “greenchats” and leadership training for local activists. Contact: Marnie Urso (216.281.4077)


  • Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

    The Great Lakes Environmental Journalism Program will provide a 5-day intensive training opportunity for up to 25 print and broadcast journalists in the Great Lakes region. Contact: Jim Detjen (517.353.9479 or


  • Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission

    Columbus, Ohio

    For policymaker education on smart growth as part of Ohio House Subcommittee on Growth and Land Use. Contact: Kimberly Gibson (614.233.4168 or


  • Music & Performing Arts at Trinity Cathedral, Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For a film documentary on the environmental hazards of the Hocking Valley coal fields. Contact: Valda Lewis (216.932.4304 or


  • National Audubon Society

    New York, New York

    This grant will support the Ohio Audubon chapter’s 20-year Ohio Bird Conservation Plan, and complete site conservation plans for Important Bird Areas in Ohio. Funds will also assist organization of NAS Ohio’s 21,000 members to better impact conservation policy. Contact: Jerome Tinianow (614.224.3303)


  • National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides

    Washington, DC

    For the Ohio chapter’s Cleveland workshop “The Health Consequences and Efficacy of Pesticide Spraying to Control West Nile Virus.” Contact: Barry Zucker (440.442.1818)


  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

    Washington, DC

    NFWF annually provides over $29 million in federal funds for wildlife conservation nationwide. For development of a grantmaking program in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Don Waage (612.713.5173 or


  • National Wildlife Federation

    Reston, Virginia

    Ongoing support for the Ohio portion of the NWF’s regional work on the reduction of contamination of the Great Lakes water sources by airborne mercury, a potent danger to fetuses, children and wildlife. Contact: Andy Buchsbaum (734.769.3351)

    $70,000 over 2 years

  • Nature Conservancy

    Arlington, Virginia

    TNC’s Ohio Chapter is leading the Western Allegheny Plateau conservation program encompassing 19.4 million acres in Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Nineteen forest blocks and 36 aquatic sites have been identified for protection, and implementation will begin in 2003. Contact: Rich Shank (617.717.2770)

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • The Northeast-Midwest Institute

    Washington, DC

    This grant will provide support to assist policy development for the Great Lakes Protection and Restoration Initiative, an expansive multi-billion dollar program to protect the Great Lakes ecosystem. NEMWI will develop case studies of how other large-scale system plans (such as the Everglades) were developed.Contact: Allegra Cangelosi (202.544.5200)


  • Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Inc.

    Akron, Ohio

    Travel scholarships for participants from the Ohio and Erie Canal Heritage Corridor to participate in the 1st International Heritage Development Conference. Contact: Dan Rice (330.434.5657)


  • Ohio Association of Railroad Passengers

    Columbus, Ohio

    OARP will lead expansion of Ohio Mobility Partners, a statewide coalition of organizations and individuals working on transportation reform in Ohio. Funds will assist hiring of OARP’s first full-time staff person. Contact: Ken Prendergast (216.529.7677 or


  • Ohio Association of Railroad Passengers

    Columbus, Ohio

    Multimodal transportation feasibility study of air-rail linkages in Ohio. Contact: Ken Prendergast (216.529.7688)


  • Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Now in its fourth year, the Ohio Pollution Prevention Campaign will continue to organize communities, provide information and assist in the negotiation of “good neighbor” agreements with industrial facilities for the voluntary reduction of toxic emissions. Contact: Sandy Buchanan (216.861.5200 or


  • Ohio Environmental Council

    Columbus, Ohio

    OEC’s program encompasses education, policy and technical assistance to groups in Ohio on water and air quality, utility deregulation, energy efficiency, watershed protection, and industrial farms. In 2003, OEC will institute its “green papers” and “green teams” program to better educate legislators on environmental issues. General support. Contact: Vicki Deisner (614.487.7506)

    $160,000 over 2 years

  • Ohio League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

    Columbus, Ohio

    General support for OLCV’s statewide coalition building and policymaker education activities. Contact: William Demora (614.481.0512 or


  • Ohio Parklands Foundation

    Westerville, Ohio

    The Ohio Greenways Project provides education and promotion, technical assistance, policy and leadership on greenways statewide. Contact: Michelle Park (614.895.2222 or


  • Ohio River Foundation

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    ORF is dedicated to assisting local organizations in the Ohio River basin with education, technical assistance, monitoring and coordination on the Corps of Engineers permitting process. This grant will assist their basin-wide coordination efforts. Contact: Rich Cogen (513.460.3365 or


  • Rails to Trails Conservancy

    Washington, DC

    There are 600 miles of trails in Ohio, and another 1,600 in planning and development stages. RTC Ohio provides technical assistance, education and policy assistance on trail development statewide. A portion of this grant will provide travel scholarships to enable trail advocates from Ohio to attend the national rally in 2003. Operating support. Contact: Rhonda Border-Boose (614.428.4320)

    $45,000 over 2 years

  • The Regents of the University of Michigan

    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    The Great Lakes Radio Consortium reaches approximately four million listeners each month through 145 public radio stations in 20 states and Ontario. With this support, they will provide training to a network of journalists that provide environmental stories to the network. Contact: Mark Brush (734.764.9210 or


  • Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.

    New York, New York

    This grant will provide operating support to the Environmental Grantmakers Association. Contact: Lee Wasserman (212.812.4200)


  • Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.

    New York, New York

    For a workshop on green buildings as part of the Environmental Grantmakers Association’s annual retreat in Ottawa. Contact: Sarah Hansen (212.812.4260 or


  • Rural Action, Inc.

    Trimble, Ohio

    RA’s Building Sustainable Forest Economies project focuses on plant protection in Appalachian Ohio via education and technical assistance. RA will partner with the Ohio chapter of The Nature Conservancy’s Western Appalachian Plateau ecoregional planning process. Contact: Colin Donahue (740.767.4938)


  • Scenic America

    Washington, DC

    Scenic America is the national organization dedicated to scenic conservation. For publication and distribution of “Scenic Easements: Protecting Landscapes of America the Beautiful.” Contact: Meg Maguire (202.543.6200 or


  • Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For a range of educational and technical assistance projects for the protection of the Doan Brook watershed. Contact: Nancy King Smith (216.321.5935 or

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S) will network and provide small business development assistance to individuals who seek to start environmentally sustainable businesses in the Cleveland area. Focus areas for 2003–04 includes community building/awareness, education and business assistance. Contact: Holly Harlan (216.371.1177 or


  • Smart Growth America

    Washington, DC

    SGA provides leadership at the national level for a broad coalition of organizations promoting smart growth, including coalition building, policy development, research, communications and leadership development. General support; a portion of this grant will support a national strategy retreat in 2004. Contact: Don Chen (202.207.3355 or


  • Smart Growth America

    Washington, DC

    Smart Growth America is the national umbrella for smart growth advocates. For development of an opposition research and communications program. Contact: Don Chen (202.207.3355 or


  • The Society of Environmental Journalists Inc.

    Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

    2003 conference travel fellowships for Ohio journalists. Contact: Beth Parke (215.884.8174)


  • St. Clair-Superior Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    SCSC is a Cleveland neighborhood-based organization. This grant will assist them in addressing an array of local environmental quality issues including local toxics sources. Contact: Diane Swander (216.881.0644)


  • Surface Transportation Policy Project

    Washington, DC

    STPP will support re-authorization of the federal T-3 transportation bill, advocating for protection of the environment and alternative transportation modes. Contact: Anne Canby (202.466.2636)


  • Tides Center

    San Francisco, California

    The Rockwood Leadership Program will provide an intensive two-day workshop for up to 30 emerging and established leaders of the environmental community in Northeast Ohio. Contact: Jennifer Cobb (510.524.4000 x105)


  • Trust for Public Land

    San Francisco, California

    Operating support for TPL’s Northeast Ohio office. Contact: Chris Knopf (216.928.7518 or


  • Union of Concerned Scientists

    Cambridge, Massachusetts

    UCS will conduct research and policy education on reauthorization of the National Aquatic Invasive Species Act (NAISA). Contact: Phyllis Windle (202.223.6133 or


  • Water Watch of Oregon

    Portland, Oregon

    WW promotes sound water policies and leads protection of instream flows in Oregon. General support. Contact: John DeVoe (503.295.4039 or

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.

    Painesville, Ohio

    The Center for Farmland Preservation serves Northeast Ohio with technical information and assistance to help slow the rate of farmland loss. This year the CFP plans to conduct educational awareness activities, and convene a group to develop a master plan for farmland conservation in Northeast Ohio. Contact: John Niedzialek (440.350.2730)


  • Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.

    Painesville, Ohio

    The WRRCandD is the home to both the Countryside Program and the Center for Farmland Preservation. This grant is for strategic planning to support these programs. Contact: Kirby Date (216.295.0511 or or contact Amalie Lipstreau (330.657.2355 or


  • Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.

    Painesville, Ohio

    The Countryside Program assists townships in developing conservation development zoning ordinances for residential development that protects natural features. Additionally, TCP assists landowners in conservation development of their properties. Contact: Kirby Date (216.295.0511)


  • Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Council, Inc.

    Silver Spring, Maryland

    WHC promotes and assists corporations in restoring/enhancing unused land for wildlife habitat restoration. In partnership with the Cuyahoga Remedial Action Plan, The Cuyahoga Valley Partnership will assist habitat restoration in the Cuyahoga River Valley. Contact: Marcia Maslonek (412.777.2464 or


Human Services

Special Commitments

2003 Grants

$15,246,271 / 353 Grants