Awarded Grants
- arts
- civic affairs
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
African American Museum
Cleveland, Ohio
Bridge funding.
African American Museum
Cleveland, Ohio
Education staff.
$60,000 over 2 years
Akron Art Museum
Akron, Ohio
Landscape design for museum expansion.
American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Student art competition.
Americans for the Arts Inc.
Washington, DC
Arts education activities.
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
Cleveland, Ohio
Exploring Diversity through Music project.
Apollo’s Fire The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Artist’s fees.
Association of African American Museums
Wilberforce, Ohio
National conference in Cleveland.
Beck Center for the Cultural Arts
Lakewood, Ohio
Financial management restructuring.
Broadway School of Music and the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Artist training workshop and outreach program.
Charenton Theater Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Traveling summer production.
Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Cleveland, Ohio
Marketing and community relations.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Initiative for Cultural Arts in Education.
Cleveland Modern Dance Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Artistic and administrative expenses.
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio
Parade the Circle workshops.
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio
‘A City Seen: Photographs from The George Gund Foundation Collection’ exhibition and publication.
$331,100 over 18 months
Cleveland Music School Settlement
Cleveland, Ohio
Marketing plan implementation.
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland, Ohio
Next Stage and new play development.
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland, Ohio
Radio performance of “Touch the Names.”
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
U.S. Courthouse public art.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and Hidden Assets and neighborhood projects.
Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Yoors Tapestries exhibition.
Cleveland Women’s City Club Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Arts Prize web-based archives.
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cuyahoga Community College
Cleveland, Ohio
Showtime at High Noon.
Dialogue, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Greater Cleveland subscription campaign.
Dobama Theatre Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Theater construction.
Dobama Theatre Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Relocation planning.
Dobama Theatre Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Night Kitchen and artistic support.
Duffy Liturgical Dance Ensemble
Shaker Heights, Ohio
‘Spiritual Heritage Suite’ performance.
East Cleveland Community Theater
Cleveland, Ohio
Fire losses.
Educational Television Association of Metropolitan Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Television series on arts and culture in Cleveland.
Eleanor B. Rainey Memorial Institute, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer day camp.
Ensemble Theatre of Cleveland
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Artistic and administrative support.
Friends of the Cleveland School of the Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Photography program.
Great Lakes Theater Festival, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Education department.
Great Lakes Theater Festival, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Theater Collective.
GroundWorks Dancetheater
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Holy Family Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth music program.
International Women’s Air and Space Museum, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Aviation/Space Career and Science Fair.
Karamu House
Cleveland, Ohio
Langston Hughes Centennial Celebration.
Karamu House
Cleveland, Ohio
Theater support.
Lake View Cemetery Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Outdoor sculpture exhibition.
Lyric Opera Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Artistic and new venue expenses.
Merrick House
Cleveland, Ohio
Tremont Arts and Cultural Festival.
Music & Performing Arts at Trinity Cathedral, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Lunchtime concert series and related activities.
Music for Saint Gall
Cleveland, Ohio
Bridge to Understanding project.
Musical Arts Association The Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra.
National Video Resources
New York, New York
Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media anniversary projects.
Near West Theatre
Cleveland, Ohio
Administrative support.
New Cleveland Opera Company, dba Cleveland Opera
Cleveland, Ohio
Education department.
New York University
New York, New York
American Photography Institute national graduate seminar.
North Coast Alliance for Leadership, Education and Training
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Kulture Kids administrative expenses.
Northeast Ohio Jazz Society, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Off Hollywood Flick Fest
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Chamber Ballet
Akron, Ohio
Phoenix Project and operating support.
Ohio Chamber Orchestra Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Dissolution expenses.
Ohio City Near West Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Open Air in Market Square arts programming.
Ohio Latino Arts Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Annual conference in Cleveland.
Columbus, Ohio
25th Anniversary Festival.
Opera Circle Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Parkworks, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Arts education programs at City of Cleveland recreation centers.
$20,000 over 2 years
Playhouse Square Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Education programs.
Professional Flair, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland performances.
Sankofa Fine Arts Plus
Cleveland, Ohio
Artrain USA Cleveland Visit.
Cleveland, Ohio
Exhibition support.
The Center for Documentary Studies
Durham, North Carolina
Doubletake Documentary Film Festival.
The Repertory Project
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Administrative saleries.
The Silver Factory, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Education programs.
Tri-C JazzFest
Cleveland, Ohio
Education and outreach.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Literacy school program.
Civic Affairs
American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Headquarters building capital improvements.
American Forum
Washington, DC
Ohio Forum.
Capitol Square Renovation Foundation, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
George Washington Williams room renovation.
Citizens League Research Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
‘State of the City’ documentary project.
Commission on Catholic Community Action
Cleveland, Ohio
Racial Fairness in the Ohio Justice System project.
Educational Fund To End Handgun Violence
Washington, DC
Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse.
Fund for Independent Publishing, Inc.
New York, New York
Publication on racial profiling.
Grassroots Leadership Development Program, Inc.
Lorain, Ohio
Operating support.
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fellowships for Greater Cleveland attendees of Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program.
Heights Community Congress
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Nonprofit Network.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Regional meeting.
InterReligious Partners in Action of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Kids Voting Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Pilot project in five inner-ring suburbs.
Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.
Dublin, Ohio
Police Ethics Training Program.
League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Establishing Foundations for Good Citizenship project.
Legal Community Against Violence
San Fancisco, California
Local ordinance survey in Ohio.
Shaker Heights Public Library
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Resident surveys.
The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Fair housing activities in Northeast Ohio.
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Economic Development and Community Revitalization
Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility
Berkeley, California
Publication of “New Village Journal.”
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Center for Regional Economic Issues.
$200,000 over 2 years
Center for Employment Training Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Continuing outside review of Neighborhood Progress, Inc.
Up to $20,000
Cleveland Historic Warehouse District Development Corp.
Cleveland, Ohio
Commercial and residential development initiatives.
Cleveland Housing Network, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland community development industry communications strategy.
Cleveland Public Art, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Detroit-Superior Bridge pedestrian bikeway design.
Cleveland Restoration Society Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Neighborhood housing and landmark preservation programs.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Research on older suburbs and manufacturing competitiveness.
Cleveland Tenants Organization
Cleveland, Ohio
Technical assistance for Central Park Place Cooperative.
Cleveland Waterfront Coalition, Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Downtown hostel construction study.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Advocacy on housing issues.
Consumer Federation of America Foundation
Washington, DC
Cleveland Saves pilot program.
Downtown Cleveland Partnership
Cleveland, Ohio
Support for downtown office, housing and retail development.
$300,000 over 2 years
East Side Organizing Project, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Community organizing against predatory lending.
Enterprise Development, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Minority Assistance Program.
First Suburbs Consortium Development Council
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Housing initiative to explore strategies for dealing with bungalows and two-family structures.
Up to $60,000
Flats Oxbow Association, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Greater Cleveland Media Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Facilitation of film and video production in Greater Cleveland.
Harbor Heritage Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support for Steamship William G. Mather.
Hard Hatted Women
Cleveland, Ohio
Pre-apprenticeship training, workplace trainer consulting and public policy.
Heights Community Congress
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Integration maintenance and community relations.
Institute for Urban Design
New York, New York
‘Critics Talk About Cities’ anthology.
Interfaith Suburban Action Coalition
Euclid, Ohio
Operating support.
Kent State University Foundation
Kent, Ohio
Canal Basin Park design meetings.
Lutheran Housing Corporation
East Cleveland, Ohio
East Cleveland housing program.
Lutheran Housing Corporation
East Cleveland, Ohio
Acquisition of East Cleveland Farmers Market.
National Housing and Community Development Law Project
Oakland, California
Operating support.
Negro Baseball Hall Of Fame, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Baseball History Museum.
Neighborhood Funders Group, Inc.
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Neighborhood Progress Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Neighborhood development organizations and project financing.
$2,000,000 over 2 years
North Union Farmers Market
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic planning.
Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing
Columbus, Ohio
Analysis of low-income tax credit transactions.
Ohio CDC Association
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Parkworks, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Partners for Livable Communities
Washington, DC
Cleveland information on America’s Most Livable Cities website.
Policy Matters Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
State-level public policy research on economic issues.
Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Economic development in East Side neighborhoods.
The Historic Gateway Neighborhood Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Commercial and residential development initiatives.
University Circle Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Creation of organizational capacity to develop strategic real estate projects.
WECO Fund, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Micro-enterprise program.
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic planning and management information system upgrade.
Westside/Eastside Congregations Acting Now, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Faith-based organizing in Northeast Ohio.
21st Century School Fund, Inc.
Washington, DC
Project to strengthen community decision making on urban public school facilities improvement.
Allen County Historical Society
Lima, Ohio
‘Lost in Middle America’ documentary.
American Youth Policy Forum
Washington, DC
Dissemination of “A Guide for the Powerless and Those Who Don’t Know Their Own Power.”
Campus Outreach Opportunity League, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
C.O.O.L. Cities Initiative.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Presidential initiatives.
$200,000 over 2 years
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Philanthropy and Service project.
$40,000 over 2 years
Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.
Elyria, Ohio
Lorain County Schools restructuring initiative.
$90,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System
Cleveland, Ohio
Management training series for library administrators.
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland, Ohio
Staff support.
Cleveland Community Building Initiative
Cleveland, Ohio
Family Education Center.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Research project on intermediary organizations and school reform.
Cleveland Health Education Museum
Cleveland, Ohio
Distance learning program.
$50,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Academic standards implementation.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
‘Conversations with the CEO’ cable television series.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Evaluation of external relationships.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Participation in Harvard University Labor Management Executive Program.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
CEO Support and Development Fund.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Enhancement of Dike Montessori Center middle school activities.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Facilities Assessment Commission.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland, Ohio
Discovery Center and early childhood education implementation project.
Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
College advisory services and last-dollar scholarships for Cleveland and first-ring suburban high school students.
Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Changing Lives! endowment campaign.
Cleveland Tomorrow
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District Bond Accountability Commission.
Community Renewal Society
Chicago, Illinois
‘Catalyst: For Cleveland Schools’ newsmagazine.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Presidential Initiatives Fund.
Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center
Peninsula, Ohio
Strategic planning.
Editorial Projects In Education, Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland
Urban education coverage.
$113,754 over 2 years
Engineers and Technicians of the Future
Cleveland, Ohio
Engineering robotics competition.
Environmental Literacy Council
Washington, DC
Environmental Connections Guide.
Fairhill Center for Aging
Cleveland, Ohio
Community Dialogue Series on issues related to lesbian and gay older adults.
Federation for Community Planning
Cleveland, Ohio
Analysis offiscal impact and implication of major school finance proposals on Cuyahoga County school districts.
Girl Scouts of Lake Erie Council
Cleveland, Ohio
Diversity project.
Global Issues Resource Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Positive S.P.I.N. on Peaceful Schools program.
New York, New York
Research and public policy initiatives.
Granville Academy of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Hathaway Brown School
Shaker Heights, Ohio
HB Aspire Program for minority middle school girls in Cleveland area public schools.
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Scholarship fund.
Hiram College
Hiram, Ohio
Fiat Lux Presidential Fund.
J.U.M.P., Inc.
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Operating support.
Jobs for Greater Cleveland Graduates, Inc.
Beachwood, Ohio
Operating support.
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Cincinnati, Ohio
Big Eight Collaboration meetings.
Lake Erie Junior Nature and Science Center
Bay Village, Ohio
Resource Center specialist.
Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Safe Schools are for Everyone program.
$45,000 over 2 years
Lorain County Access to Higher Education Program Inc.
Elyria, Ohio
Operating support.
Lorain County Community College Foundation
Elyria, Ohio
Building Engineering, Science and Technology Talent for Lorain County’s Future campaign.
$150,000 over 2 years
Mohican Institute
Valley View, Ohio
Public engagement retreat.
Mohican Institute
Valley View, Ohio
First-Ring Collaborative project.
Mohican Institute
Valley View, Ohio
Operating support.
New Ohio Institute
Toledo, Ohio
Operating support.
Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair
Cleveland, Ohio
International fair in Cleveland.
Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio
Oberlin Science Initiative.
Ohio Campus Compact
Granville, Ohio
VISTA volunteer training.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Education retreat.
Parents for Public Schools
Evanston, Illinois
Multi-Site Capacity-Building Initiative.
$100,000 over 2 years
Shaker Heights City School District
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Gardening in the Schoolyard “Seed Stories” video.
Sisters of St. Dominic of Akron – Our Lady of the Elms
Akron, Ohio
Crown Point Ecology Center’s farm-based environmental education program.
Summit Education Initiative
Akron, Ohio
Operating and program support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Summit Education Initiative
Akron, Ohio
Community organizing efforts.
Teachers College Columbia University
New York, New York
Hechinger Institute seminars for Northeast Ohio journalists.
$20,800 over 2 years
The Heartwood Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Organizational development.
The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, Inc.
Washington, DC
National Education and Environment Partnership.
The Old Stone Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Parenting and Literacy Skills Program.
The Partnership for Education in Ashtabula County
Ashtabula, Ohio
Start-up support.
$100,000 over 2 years
The SOS Test Preparation Program of Emmanuel Baptist Church
Cleveland, Ohio
Student tutoring and instruction.
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Fairfax, Virginia
Operating and program support.
United Way Services
Cleveland, Ohio
Esperanza Inc. audit.
University of Cincinnati Foundation
Cincinnati, Ohio
EarthWorks Project.
Ursuline College
Pepper Pike, Ohio
Minority student recruitment and retention.
$70,623 over 2 years
Voyageurmedia Group, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
‘Ohio Archaeology’ documentary project.
West Side Community House
Cleveland, Ohio
Literacy Collaborative.
$50,000 over 2 years
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Destiny Academy school-to-career program.
$52,500 over 18 months
Women in History
Lakewood, Ohio
Public School Project.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Moving expenses.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Strategic planning.
Association of Nature Center Administrators
Dayton, Ohio
Scholarship funding for the Summit.
Bat Conservation International, Inc.
Austin, Texas
Great Lakes Bat Conservation Initiative.
Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
State Forest Heritage Campaign booklet.
Center for Environmental Citizenship
Washington, DC
Ohio Environmental Citizenship Project.
Center for Health Environment and Justice
Falls Church, Virginia
Stop Dioxin Campaign.
Center for Public Interest Research, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
Campaign to Ban Oil and Gas Drilling in Lake Erie.
Citizens Environmental Coalition, Inc.
Buffalo, New York
Citizen workshops on Ohio groundwater contamination.
Citizens Policy Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Access Initiative.
Citizens Policy Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Open Secrets Project on campaign contributions.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Assessment of biological diversity in forested habitats of Cleveland Metroparks.
$100,000 over 2 years
Cleveland Zoological Society
Cleveland, Ohio
Center for Zoological Medicine.
Coast Alliance
Washington, DC
Contaminated sediment and polluted runoff programs in the Great Lakes region.
Collins Center for Public Policy, Inc.
Miami, Florida
Research on smart growth investments.
Common Ground
Oberlin, Ohio
Planning for green conference center and residential facility.
EcoCity Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Green Building Coalition.
$110,000 over 2 years
EcoCity Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Leadership workshop.
EcoCity Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ecological Design Innovation Center
Oberlin, Ohio
Outreach programs.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Washington, DC
Policy education on energy and smart growth.
Environmental Fund for Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest
Chicago, lllinois
Technical and legal assistance on electric utility air emissions in Ohio.
$60,000 over 2 years
Environmental Law Institute
Washington, DC
Research on state and federal policy on invasive species.
Environmental Support Center, Inc.
Washington, DC
State Environmental Leadership Program.
Environmental Support Center, Inc.
Washington, DC
Capacity-building programs for the Great Lakes region.
Geauga Park District Foundation
Chardon, Ohio
Green roof pilot project.
Great Lakes United
Amherst, New York
Habitat and Biodiversity Task Force.
Green Energy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Heartwood, Incorporated
Bloomington, Indiana
Operating support.
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.
Washington, DC
List enhancement project and Ohio leadership development.
League of Women Voters of Ohio Education Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Citizen workshops on land use and transportation in Cuyahoga County.
$21,300 over 2 years
Malabar Farm Foundation
Lucas, Ohio
New library and archives project.
Medina Summit Land Conservancy
Medina, Ohio
Operating support.
$25,000 over 2 years
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Great Lakes Environmental Journalism Training Institute.
National Audubon Society
New York, New York
Bird conservation programs.
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
Technical assistance on Ohio wetlands conservation policy.
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
Advocacy on elimination of mercury in the Great Lakes.
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
Program planning for Great Lakes biodiversity conservation.
$73,800 over 2 years
New York Rivers United
Rome, New York
National Hydropower Reform Coalition Great Lakes regional activities.
Northeast Ohio Regional Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Northeast Ohio Regional Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Inc.
Akron, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio City Near West Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Renovation of green office building to house environmental nonprofit organizations.
Ohio City Near West Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Environmental Center green building rehabilitation and shared office space for nonprofit environmental organizations.
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Feasibility study for an environmental public interest law firm.
Ohio League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Parklands Foundation
Westerville, Ohio
Forum on Greenways and Healthy Communities.
Ohio Parklands Foundation
Westerville, Ohio
Ohio Greenways program.
Ohio River Advocacy
Cincinnati, Ohio
Technical assistance, coordination and assistance to grassroots groups in the Ohio River basin.
Ohio River Advocacy
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio River strategic planning meeting.
Ohio to Erie Trail Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Rails to Trails Conservancy
Washington, DC
Operating support and Ohio trail advocates participation in annual RTC conference.
$45,000 over 2 years
River Network
Portland, Oregon
National River Rally curriculum development and scholarships for Great Lakes river conservation leaders.
Rivers Unlimited
Cincinnati, Ohio
Environmental Enforcement Project.
Rural Action, Inc.
Trimble, Ohio
Sustainable Forest Economies Project.
Safe Energy Communication Council
Washington, DC
Journalist education and grassroots media assistance on Ohio energy issues.
Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center
Cleveland, Ohio
‘Breathing wall’ element of the Nature Center building expansion.
Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Green architecture.
St. Clair-Superior Coalition
Cleveland, Ohio
Environmental programs.
Surface Transportation Policy Project
Washington, DC
New Directions Initiative.
Surface Transportation Policy Project
Washington, DC
Smart Growth America.
The Clean Air Conservancy
Cleveland, Ohio
Neighborhood-based ozone monitoring.
The Delta Institute
Chicago, Illinois
Public education on fish contamination advisories to disadvantaged communities along the Lake Erie shoreline.
The Greene Environmental Coalition, Inc.
Yellow Springs, Ohio
Research and public education on Great Lakes brownfields clean-up.
The Regents of the University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Radio reporting on Great Lakes environmental issues and training of journalists.
The Sierra Club Foundation
San Francisco, California
Technical assistance to Northeast Ohio citizens’ groups on industrial air emissions permit issues.
The Sierra Club Foundation
San Francisco, California
Transportation reform in Ohio.
The Society of Environmental Journalists Inc.
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Ohio chapter program activities.
Tides Foundation
San Fancisco, California
National Conference on Multi-Tenant Nonprofit Centers.
Trust for Public Land
San Francisco, California
Ohio field office operating support.
Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
Center for Farmland Preservation.
Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.
Painesville, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Countryside Program to promote and provide technical assistance on conservation development in Northeast Ohio.
Human Services
Adoption Network Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Program and volunteer coordination.
AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy initiative.
Alliance for Justice
Washington, DC
Nonprofit advocacy project.
American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education
Washington, DC
Publication and dissemination of “Deregulation of Hypodermic Needles and Syringes As a Public Health Measure.”
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.
New York, New York
Reproductive Freedom Project.
American Medical Women’s Association Foundation
Alexandria, Virginia
Medical school curriculum revision.
Berea Children’s Home
Berea, Ohio
Residential treatment center construction.
Berea Children’s Home
Berea, Ohio
Government affairs and public policy program.
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Greater Cleveland Camping Alliance.
Center for Community Change
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
New York, New York
Operating support.
Center for Women Policy Studies
Washington, DC
Women’s Legislative Network.
Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating and workforce development.
$250,000 over 2 years
Children’s Defense Fund
Columbus, Ohio
Child health and child care initiatives.
$50,000 over 2 years
Christian Legal Services of Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Staff expenses.
Cleveland Baseball Federation
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer baseball leagues.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Child Welfare League Midwest Region Training Conference.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Community education program.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Community education program.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups annual symposium.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Housing Trust Fund and homeless children and youth initiatives.
Community Re-Entry, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Bridge support.
Up to $20,000
Contact Center, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio Empowerment Coalition’s statewide grassroots welfare conference.
County of Cuyahoga
Cleveland, Ohio
Tax benefits for working families project.
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Faculty Project on the Brain.
Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Community Services Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Community and youth services.
East End Neighborhood House Association
Cleveland, Ohio
Project Seed.
Education Commission of the States
Denver, Colorado
Midwest Regional Workshop on Early Learning.
Families USA Foundation, Inc.
Washington, DC
Health insurance expansion initiatives.
$150,000 over 2 years
Family Planning Services of Lorain County
Elyria, Ohio
Operating support.
Feminist Majority Foundation
Arlington, Virginia
Clinic Access Project.
Funders Concerned About AIDS, Inc.
New York, New York
Public policy program.
Glenville Community Youth Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer youth program counselors.
Grantmakers in Health
Washington, DC
Washington briefing.
Greater Cleveland Coalition for Strengthening Marriage
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Start-up support.
Greater Cleveland Food Bank Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Merger and operating costs.
Hampshire College
Amherst, Massachusetts
Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program.
Heights Parent Center
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Development assistance.
$15,000 over 2 years
Hispanic Urban Minority Alcohol and Drug Abuse Outreach Program
Cleveland, Ohio
Fiscal office support.
Institute for Civil Society Inc.
Newton, Massachusetts
Building Early Learning Systems in the States collaborative project.
$400,000 over 2 years
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
San Fancisco, California
HIV/AIDS project.
Kent State University Foundation
Kent, Ohio
Kent, OH
Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Transition to Employment Project.
$50,000 over 2 years
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting project.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Re-Entry Program.
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
New York, New York
Operating support.
$150,000 over 18 months
Merrick House
Cleveland, Ohio
West Side mentoring program.
Merrick House
Cleveland, Ohio
Clark-Fulton consolidation project.
MetroHealth Medical System
Cleveland, Ohio
MetroHealth Foundation annual meeting speaker.
Mount Pleasant Now Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth Entrepreneur Camp.
National Abortion Rights Action League of Ohio Education Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Capacity building.
National Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.
Washington, DC
Public policy program.
National Health Law Program, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
National meeting on conscientious exemptions.
National Partnership for Women and Families, Inc.
Washington, DC
Women’s Health Initiative.
National Women’s Law Center
Washington, DC
Child care and reproductive health programs.
New Life Community
Cleveland, Ohio
Graduate housing specialist.
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Homeless Legal Assistance Program.
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
New York, New York
State Advocacy Project.
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks
Columbus, Ohio
Annual conference and training of local providers.
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks
Columbus, Ohio
Statewide public education and outreach campaign.
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Ohio Institute for Research and Education
Columbus, Ohio
State public education and advocacy expansion.
$200,000 over 18 months
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
New York, New York
Adolescent reproductive health education project with Scenarios USA.
Preterm Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating, advocacy and security support.
Prochoice Resource Center, Inc.
Port Chester, New York
Operating support.
$75,000 over 2 years
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Distribution of the training manual “Leadership in Child Protection.”
Rainbow Hospital
Cleveland, Ohio
Coalition for Greater Cleveland’s Children.
$120,000 over 2 years
Rainbow Hospital
Cleveland, Ohio
‘How to Know Who’s for Kids and Who’s Just Kidding’ brochure.
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Educational Fund
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Reproductive Health Technologies Project
Washington, DC
Early abortion project.
Rutgers University Foundation
Piscataway, New Jersey
Teen-to-teen sexuality education project.
Saint Luke’s Hospital Association of Cleveland Ohio of the Methodist Church
Cleveland, Ohio
Primary Care Resource/Demand Assessment project.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
New York, New York
State-based comprehensive sexuality education initiative.
Shaker Family Center at Sussex
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Volunteer coordinator.
$40,000 over 2 years
Start-Support To At-Risk Teens
Cleveland, Ohio
Westhaven Youth Shelter.
The Action for Children of Franklin County
Columbus, Ohio
Finance reform for early care and education.
The City Mission
Cleveland, Ohio
Construction of transitional housing facility.
The Education Fund of Family Planning Advocates of New York State, Inc.
Albany, New York
National Advisory Board on Access to Reproductive Health Care.
The Equal Justice Foundation
Columbus, Ohio
Access to Justice Project.
The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy program.
The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cleveland, Inc
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Program expenses.
The Public Agenda Foundation
New York, New York
Prisoner re-entry initiative.
The Urban Institute
Washington, DC
Federal tax policy analyses and publication series.
Third Wave Direct Action, Inc.
New York, New York
Program support.
United Appeal Community Chest
Cincinnati, Ohio
Analysis of public sector support for child care in Ohio.
West Side Catholic Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Staff support for expanded shelter.
West Side Ecumenical Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
Youth services.
Women’s Action for New Directions Education Fund
Arlington, Massachusetts
Ohio conference.
Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland Ohio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Y-Haven men’s shelter.
Special Commitments
Akron Community Foundation
Akron, Ohio
Start-up funding for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence.
Business Volunteers Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Technical assistance for nonprofit organizations.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Social Venture Partners.
$50,000 over 2 years
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.
San Francisco, California
Operating support.
Council on Foundations, Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Operating support.
Donors Forum of Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Foundation Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland library expansion.
Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Retinal degenerative disease research.
Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Inc.
Silver Spring, Maryland
Operating support.
Grantmakers for Education
Portland, Oregon
Operating support.
Grantmakers in Health
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Grantmakers in the Arts
Seattle, Washington
Operating support.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Annual conference.
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
Washington, DC
Operating support.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
National Video Resources
New York, New York
Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media.
Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Columbus, Ohio
Programs and services to Ohio nonprofits.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
On-line database of nonprofit capacity-building service providers.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
2001 annual conference.
Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.
New York, New York
Environmental Grantmakers Association operating support.
The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region
Washington, DC
Survivors’ Fund.
The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
Nelsonville, Ohio
Campaign to enhance donor base.
$150,000 over 2 years
The New York Community Trust
New York, New York
September 11th Fund.
Tides Center
San Francisco, California
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.
Tides Center
San Francisco, California
Funders’ Forum on Environment and Education.
Women and Foundations Corporate Philanthropy
Washington, DC
25th anniversary events.
2001 Grants
$19,527,941 / 401 Grants