Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
Human Services
Advocates for Youth
Washington, DC
Promotion of science-based comprehensive sexuality education.
Catholic Charities Health & Human Services
Cleveland, Ohio
Immigration legal services for juveniles.
Center for Families and Children
Cleveland, Ohio
Mental Health and Addiction Advocacy Coalition.
Center for Law and Social Policy
Washington, DC
Public policy work on economic security for children and families.
160000 over 2 years
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Washington, DC
State budget analysis and advocacy.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Sexual Assault Public Policy Project.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Voting rights education and advocacy.
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Housing policy initiatives.
$140,000 over 2 years
Coalition on Human Needs
Washington, DC
Operating support.
90000 over 2 years
Community Care Network, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cudell Girls Summer Basketball League.
Community Care Network, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cudell Boys Summer Basketball League.
Community Catalyst, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
Technical assistance on Ohio Affordable Care Act implementation.
$100,000 over 2 years
Community Re-Entry, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Development and integration of trauma-informed care model for Women's Re-Entry Network.
$60,000 over 2 years
Community Service Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
Transitional housing services.
Council for a Strong America
Washington, DC
Ohio office operating support.
County of Cuyahoga
Cleveland, Ohio
Cuyahoga County human services survey.
Cuyahoga Health Access Partnership
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Early Childhood Funders Collaborative
Federal Philanthropic Fund.
Up to $75,000
Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Housing First health care integration.
Family Planning Services of Lorain County
Elyria, Ohio
Operating support.
50000 over 2 years
Flying Horse Farms
Columbus, Ohio
Camp programs.
Hands On Northeast Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Homeless Stand Down.
Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Medicaid expansion study.
Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
HELP Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Summer program.
Lake County Free Clinic
Painesville, Ohio
Board training and strategic planning and implementation.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy initiatives.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
2100 Lakeside Men's Shelter volunteer program.
New York, New York
Social innovation financing consultation and analysis.
Metanoia Project Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Freedom of Choice Cleveland Coalition's annual Roe v. Wade commemoration event.
Near West Side Multi Service Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support and health and wellness initiative.
Neighborhood Health Care Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Communications and outreach related to Affordable Care Act implementation.
New Profit, Inc.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cuyahoga County social innovation financing /Pay For Success initiative.
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Inc.
Covington, Kentucky
Ohio Juvenile Justice Reform Initiative.
Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Inc.
Covington, Kentucky
Juvenile justice consultant.
Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Legal services.
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Campus Compact
Granville, Ohio
Voter education and engagement.
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Columbus, Ohio
Affordable Care Act implementation work.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Health funders initiative on health care policy.
Ohio State Legal Services Association
Columbus, Ohio
Advocacy on health care reform.
80000 over 2 years
Open Doors Inc.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Enrichment programs for middle and high school students.
Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio Health Access Fund.
Preterm Cleveland, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
51000 over 2 years
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Child behavioral health initiatives.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Advocates for Ohio's Future operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Medicaid expansion amicus brief.
Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc.
Bronx, New York
Operating support.
Rutgers University Foundation
Piscataway, New Jersey
Operating support and Cuyahoga County training.
75000 over 2 years
Shoes and Clothes for Kids Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
St. Malachi Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Homeless services.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
Collaborative for Comprehensive School-Age Health.
The Center for Community Solutions
Cleveland, Ohio
AIDS Funding Collaborative.
The President and Directors of Georgetown College
Washington, DC
HIV Health Care Transitions Initiative.
80000 over 2 years
The Refugee Response
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Towards Employment Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Public policy advocacy.
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio Partnership to Build Stronger Families.
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio Partnership to Build Stronger Families.
Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Affordable Care Act implementation in Ohio.
2013 Grants
$24,786,145 / 234 Grants