Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
1% for the Planet Inc.
Waitsfield, Vermont
Operating support.
$100,000 over 2 years
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Chicago, Illinois
Operating support.
Beyond Pesticides
Washington, DC
Ohio Safe Lawn, Landscapes and Public Spaces Campaign.
Bike Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Biomass Forest Protection Campaign.
Business Volunteers Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Capacity-building services for watershed organizations in Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
Clean Fuels Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Office relocation and 10th anniversary event.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland, Ohio
GreenCityBlueLake Institute operating support.
Cleveland State University Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Urban agriculture symposium.
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.
San Francisco, California
Climate and Energy Funders Group.
Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization
Cleveland, Ohio
Organizational development.
Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
Countryside Learning Center.
Earth Island Institute
Berkeley, California
Midwest Power Shift.
San Francisco, California
Operating support.
Energy Foundation
San Francisco, California
Ohio movement building project.
Environment Ohio Research and Policy Center Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Washington, DC
Operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Environmental Health Watch Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
$150,000 over 2 years
Environmental Health Watch Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Executive director recruitment and transition.
FracTracker Ohio
Alliance, Ohio
Operating support.
$130,000 over 2 years
Great Lakes United
Amherst, New York
Operating support.
Green Energy Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Strategic planning.
Green Media Toolshed
Washington, DC
Development of a network on fracking.
The Institute for Democratic Education and Culture Speak Out
Oakland, California
Solarize This project.
Lake Erie Junior Nature and Science Center
Bay Village, Ohio
Great Lakes-Lake Erie Program.
Michigan Environmental Council
Lansing, Michigan
RE-AMP operating support.
National Parks Conservation Association
Washington, DC
Great Lakes Healing Our Waters Conference in Cleveland.
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, Virginia
Great Lakes Natural Resource Center.
$100,000 over 2 years
Nature Conservancy
Arlington, Virginia
Ohio office operating support.
Neighborhood Leadership Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Neighborhood Leadership for Environmental Health initiative.
New Agrarian Center
Oberlin, Ohio
New Agrarian Center
Oberlin, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
Cincinnati, Ohio
Exploration of alternatives to garbage incineration in Cleveland.
Ohio City Bicycle Co-Op
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio City Near West Development Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio City Community Kitchen and Incubator.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Environmental Council
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
The Ohio Organizing Collaborative
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Fracking Organizing Project.
The Ohio State University Foundation
Columbus, Ohio
Food Policy Coalition operating support.
$200,000 over 2 years
Rails to Trails Conservancy
Washington, DC
Midwest office operating support.
$70,000 over 2 years
Slavic Village Development
Cleveland, Ohio
Bicycle advocacy.
Slavic Village Development
Cleveland, Ohio
Bike Cleveland training.
State Environmental Leadership Program
Madison, Wisconsin
Annual conference.
United States Public Interest Research Group Education Fund
Washington, DC
Ohio Energy Service Corps Pilot Program.
Virginia Organizing, Inc.
Charlottesville, Virginia
Health and Environmental Funders Network Hydrofracking Working Group.
2012 Grants
$24,903,024 / 261 Grants