Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
America Scores Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Project assessment.
America Scores Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Portfolio of Excellent Schools strategy.
Up to $881,000
Cleveland Heights/University Heights City School District
University Heights, Ohio
First Ring Superintendents’ Collaborative.
Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Scholarship program.
E City
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Economic Growth Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
‘Cleveland Plus’ college student engagement.
Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation Inc.
Brookline, Massachusetts
Cleveland program operating support and Choosing to Participate exhibition.
Friends of E Prep Schools
Cleveland, Ohio
Creation of a Cleveland charter school management organization.
$71,500 over 6 months
Hathaway Brown School
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Aspire program.
Cleveland, Ohio
First Buckeye Robotics Team.
National Council on Teacher Quality
Washington, DC
‘Ohio Teacher Policy Yearbook.’
$50,000 over 2 years
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
State education policy initiative.
Cleveland, Ohio
Program and Technical support for the Cleveland Municipal School District.
United Labor Agency, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Youth Voices program.
University Circle Incorporated
Cleveland, Ohio
Early Learning Initiative.
$100,000 over 3 years
Urban School News
Cleveland, Ohio
CATALYST: Ohio Newsmagazine.
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Planning for Cleveland’s new Max Hayes High School.
Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network
Cleveland, Ohio
Planning for Cleveland’s new Max Hayes High School.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Princeton, New Jersey
Woodrow Wilson Ohio Teaching Fellowship.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Program and operating support.
2009 Grants
$15,375,979 / 200 Grants