Awarded Grants
- arts
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
Special Commitments
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Business Volunteers Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
Assistance to nonprofit organizations.
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Creation of public green space at the Lonnie Burton Recreation Center.
Communications Network
Silver Spring, Maryland
Annual conference in Cleveland.
Council on Foundations, Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Operating support.
Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Community Services Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Social outreach programs.
Foundation Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc.
Columbia, Maryland
Retinal degenerative disease research.
Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues Inc.
New York, New York
Operating support.
Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Inc.
Silver Spring, Maryland
Operating support.
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Grantmakers in Health
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Cleveland, Ohio
New and public affairs programming.
$500,000 over 2 years
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
25th anniversary events.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Washington, DC
Operating support.
Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Policy briefing report.
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Columbus, Ohio
Operating support.
Philanthropic Research Inc.
Williamsburg, Virginia
Guidestar operating expenses.
The Greater Cleveland Community Shares
Cleveland, Ohio
20th anniversary events.
2005 Grants
$17,998,679 / 290 Grants