Awarded Grants
- arts
- civic affairs
- climate and environmental justice
- creative culture and arts
- democracy-building
- economic development and community revitalization
- education
- environment
- human services
- public education
- special commitments
- thriving families and social justice
- vibrant neighborhoods and inclusive economy
- all priority areas
Civic Affairs
American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Headquarters building capital improvements.
American Forum
Washington, DC
Ohio Forum.
Capitol Square Renovation Foundation, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
George Washington Williams room renovation.
Citizens League Research Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
‘State of the City’ documentary project.
Commission on Catholic Community Action
Cleveland, Ohio
Racial Fairness in the Ohio Justice System project.
The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Fair housing activities in Northeast Ohio.
Educational Fund To End Handgun Violence
Washington, DC
Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse.
Fund for Independent Publishing, Inc.
New York, New York
Publication on racial profiling.
Grassroots Leadership Development Program, Inc.
Lorain, Ohio
Operating support.
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fellowships for Greater Cleveland attendees of Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program.
Heights Community Congress
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Nonprofit Network.
Independent Sector
Washington, DC
Regional meeting.
InterReligious Partners in Action of Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Operating support.
Kids Voting Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Pilot project in five inner-ring suburbs.
Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.
Dublin, Ohio
Police Ethics Training Program.
League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
Establishing Foundations for Good Citizenship project.
Legal Community Against Violence
San Fancisco, California
Local ordinance survey in Ohio.
Shaker Heights Public Library
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Resident surveys.
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC
Operating support.
2001 Grants
$19,527,941 / 401 Grants