Grantmaking /

Awarded Grants


  • Alaska Conservation Foundation

    Anchorage, Alaska

    ACF provides a wide range of grassroots support for local organizations and leadership on conservation issues in the state and region. General support. Contact: Jan Konigsburg (907.276.1917)

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • American Farmland Trust

    Washington, DC

    Coordination of the Ohio Farmland Preservation Task Force to seek public input and develop statewide policy options on preserving farmland. Contact: Robert C. Wagner (413.586.9330)


  • American Land Institute

    Portland, Oregon

    ALI was created out of the recommendations of the National Growth Management Leadership Project. This grant will assist initial development of a national institute that will focus on land use reform via policy development, education, media and communications. Contact: Henry Richmond (503.228.9462)


  • Board of Trustees of Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

    Building on the successful 1996 pilot training program, the Environmental Journalism program of the School of Journalism will conduct a training institute in environmental journalism for print, radio and television journalists from the Great Lakes region. This 4–1/2 day intensive program will train 25 participants via lectures, workshops and site visits. Contact: Jim Detjen (517.353.9479)


  • Buckeye Forest Council, Inc.

    Columbus, Ohio

    BFC is a statewide forest conservation organization focused on monitoring state and federal agencies, and providing public education and advocacy for conservation of Ohio’s forests. Its Ohio Wildlands Project is mapping core forest areas, forest corridors and developing restoration plans for a system of forest reserves across the state. Contact: Jason Tockman (614.594.6400)

    $24,000 over 2 years

  • CCHW Center for Health Environment and Justice

    Falls Church, Virginia

    CCHW assists a network of over 7,500 community groups nationwide on toxic waste issues, currently via its Stop Dioxin Exposure Campaign. With this grant CCHW will assist groups in the Great Lakes region via conference calls and site visits, producing the Dioxin Digest newsletter, a citizen’s primer on dioxin, and a 1998 “roundtable” conference on dioxin. Contact: Lois Gibbs (703.237.2249)


  • Center for Public Interest Research, Inc.

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Ohio has the fifth highest water pollution level in the United States-only the Mississippi River and Pacific Ocean receive more pollutant loadings than the Ohio River. Ohio PIRG provides statewide education and advocacy for clean water by identifying and documenting sources of pollution, calling media attention to violations and organizing citizen action. Contact: Amy Simpson (216.791.1116)

    $30,000 over 2 years

  • Citizens League Research Institute

    Cleveland, Ohio

    CLRI will continue to coordinate the Northeast Ohio Regional Alliance that seeks to coordinate efforts to combat urban sprawl in the Cleveland region. Contact: Janis Purdy (216.241.5340)


  • Citizens Policy Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The Ohio Safe Drinking Water Project will provide public education and promote protection of drinking water sources in Ohio by monitoring the Ohio EPA permitting process, advocating for inclusion of the Ohio River Basin in the federal Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative standards, and facilitating citizen input to watershed protection plans. Contact: Sandy Buchanan (216.861.5200)


  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Second phase planning and development of an exhibit on the Waimiri Atroari tribe of Amazonian Brazil. Contact: Jim King (216.231.4600)


  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    Cleveland, Ohio

    It is estimated that fully 25% of all the plant species in North America are nonnative. In the summer of 1998 CMNH will present an exhibit entitled “Invasion of the Aliens” that will highlight how nonnative species have impacted natural areas in Ohio. Educational materials to accompany this exhibit will also be developed. Contact: James King (216.231.4600)


  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Planning and development of an exhibit on the Waimiri Atroari tribe of Amazonian Brazil. Contact: Sharon Dean (216.231.4600 x238)


  • Cuyahoga Valley Association

    Peninsula, Ohio

    For a meeting of the staff and commissioners of park districts in Northeast Ohio to explore mutual interests. Contact: Paul Labovitz (National Park Service) (330.657.2950)


  • Earth Day Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    EDC’s four major projects in 1998 will be the EarthFest earth day celebration, the Northeast Ohio Student Congress, the Sustainable Cleveland Partnership for environmental information access and the Clean Cities Project that will focus on alternative fuels in transportation. Contact: Chris Trepal/Scott Sanders (216.281.6468)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund

    San Fancisco, California

    EJLDF (formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund) will conduct research and case preparation for Supreme Court review of a case involving the Wayne National Forest in Ohio. At stake are the rights of citizen groups to challenge forest management plans, and whether nontimber uses (such as recreation and ecosystem services) should be considered in developing these plans. Contact: Vawter Parker (415.627.6700)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    ECC is the regional monthly publication setting out a vision for a sustainable northeast Ohio. It covers a wide range of environmental and development issues. This grant is for general support and a reprint of Moving to Corn Fields-An Urban Sprawl Action Guide for Northeast Ohio. Contact: David Beach (216.932.3007)

    $31,500 over 2 years

  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    This grant will enable ECC to continue coordinating transportation policy reform activities in the Cleveland region and promote the concept of a bioregional plan for land use and transportation. Contact: David Beach (216.932.3007)

    $80,400 over 2 years

  • Energy Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    Funders briefing on urban sprawl issues. Contact: Hal Harvey (415.561.5700)


  • Environmental and Energy Study Institute

    Washington, DC

    Many policies impacting Ohio are developed and implemented at the federal level. EESI provides federal level policymaker education on issues impacting Ohio as well as the rest of the country. In 1997–98, EESI will focus on urban sprawl, energy conservation and transportation issues by conducting briefings for congressional staff and representatives, and developing alternative policy options. Contact: Ken Murphy (202.628.1400)


  • Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.

    New York, New York

    The Pollution Prevention Alliance provides technical assistance to organizations throughout the Great Lakes region. Specific projects are being conducted by EDF/PPA in Cleveland, Dayton, Northwest Indiana and Milwaukee. Contact: Kevin Mills (202.387.3500)


  • Environmental Law & Policy Center of the Midwest

    Chicago, lllinois

    Transportation planning and policy is a powerful force for continuing outmigration from the urban core and the quality of life impacts that come from urban sprawl. ELPC will provide legal and technical assistance to Cleveland area transportation reform advocates who are opposing inappropriate road projects and who are advocating that environmental concerns receive higher priority in transportation planning processes. Contact: Howard Learner (312.759.3400)


  • Environmental Law Institute

    Washington, DC

    ELI will distribute its assessment of Ohio’s state policies that directly and indirectly impact biodiversity conservation. A statewide workshop is planned as part of this effort. Contact: Jim McElfish (202.939.3800)


  • Environmental Support Center, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    For the 1997 State Environmental Leaders Conference that provides technical and leadership training, and collaborative opportunities to the heads of each state’s environmental council. Contact: Jim Abernathy (202.966.9834)


  • Great Lakes United

    Amherst, New York

    The Biodiversity and Habitat Task Force, now in its fourth year, continues to serve as a regional clearinghouse to over 250 individuals and organizations for information on threats to biodiversity including fish stocking practices, wise use and habitat loss. GLU also helps coordinate regional responses to these and other issues. Contact: Margaret Wooster (716.886.0142)


  • INFORM, Inc.

    New York, New York

    In partnership with the Citizens Policy Center, INFORM will provide technical assistance and coordination to campus waste source reduction task forces at Oberlin College, The University of Akron and Cleveland State University. These task forces include students, faculty and administration. Contact: Joanna Underwood (212.361.2400)


  • International Center for the Preservation of Wild Animals

    Cumberland, Ohio

    ‘The Wilds’ is a 10,000-acre wildlife conservation facility on reclaimed strip mine land that houses 21 different threatened and endangered species in large, naturalistic enclosures. It serves as a regional conservation reserve for large mammals and conducts research, education and reintroduction programs. This grant will expand organizational development capacity. Contact: Robert Reece (614.638.2284)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • Land Trust Alliance, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    The “quiet” land trust community has preserved over 4 million acres of land nationwide. LTA will develop the land trust “message” and materials for local land trusts, and a complementary national message for policymakers and the media. Contact: Jean Hocker (202.638.4725)

    $82,000 over 2 years

  • League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    LCVEF will provide training and coordination on legally permissible 501(c)(3) activities, polling and focus group research, state legislative scorecards, media and message development, and conduct a list enhancement project for participating environmental groups in Ohio. Contact: Beth Sullivan (202.785.0730)


  • League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    For initial meetings and exploration of the potential for coordinated voter education projects in Ohio. Contact: Beth Sullivan (202.785.0730)


  • Missouri Botanical Garden

    St. Louis, Missouri

    For the National Forum on Biodiversity to be held in Washington, D.C. in October, 1997. Contact: Peter Raven (314.577.5100)


  • National Wildlife Federation

    Reston, Virginia

    Over the next two years this project will focus on public education and policy reform on airborne sources of mercury in the Great Lakes. NWF will advocate for reduction from industrial sources, such as coal plants and waste incinerators, that account for over 75% of the mercury that is deposited in the lakes. Contact: Wayne Schmidt (313.769.3351)

    $110,000 over 2 years

  • Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

    New York, New York

    The Clean Air Network provides coordination and information nationally on clean air policy. In the coming year, CAN will help develop a National Clean Air agenda, mount campaigns on power plant and diesel emissions, and expand a network of health professionals focused on clean air. This grant will support CAN’s assistance to Great Lakes-based members. Contact: Jayne Mardock (202.289.2429)


  • Nature Conservancy

    Arlington, Virginia

    Over 90% of all forest land in the Midwest is in private hands, primarily in small (less than 100 acres) woodlots. TNC will develop a “forest bank” pilot project for sustainable timber yield to protect biodiversity on private land, and create buffer zones around high biodiversity sites. Under this program woodlot owners will “deposit” the value of their timber in a bank that will guarantee an annual return for the timber rights and voluntary land use restrictions. Contact: William We

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • North American Wilderness Recovery

    Tucson, Arizona

    Workshop in working criteria for wildlands site selection. Contact: Steve Garwood (520.884.0875)


  • Oberlin College

    Oberlin, Ohio

    In conjunction with the construction of the new Environmental Studies building, Oberlin will enhance community outreach in sustainable agriculture and watershed education as well as develop the facility as a community resource. Contact: David Orr (216.774.2490)

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Inc.

    Akron, Ohio

    OECCC played a significant role in the federal designation of the Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor, and will continue to provide staffing assistance to corridor-wide projects and local lower corridor projects on greenways and trails, scenic conservation, sustainable development and historic preservation. Contact: Daniel Rice (330.434.5657)

    $16,000 over 2 years

  • Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Inc.

    Akron, Ohio

    For the initial meeting in the Ohio and Erie Canal Corridor of the Heritage Area Alliance, a national association of 15 Heritage Areas. Contact: Dan Rice (330.434.5657)


  • Ohio Environmental Council

    Columbus, Ohio

    Ohio leads the nation in electric utility-generated nitrous oxide emissions. OEC is now in the fourth year of the Campaign for an Energy Efficient Ohio, a three-pronged program to provide state level policy input, identify and promote local projects and organize grassroots support for energy efficiency programs that will reduce airborne pollutants. Contact: Vicki Deisner (614.487.7506)


  • Ohio to Erie Trail Fund

    Columbus, Ohio

    OETF continues to promote a 325 mile multipurpose recreational trail that will link Lake Erie at Cleveland with Cincinnati on the Ohio River. OETF provides planning, technical assistance, and public education to the communities that will be acquiring and developing their respective portions of the trail. Contact: Stephanie Tresso (614.538.0607)


  • Portage Land Association Conservation and Education

    Kent, Ohio

    For a quarterly newsletter and shared educational display for the Northeast Ohio Land Trust Coalition. Contact: Rick Hawskley (330.673.8631)


  • Rails to Trails Conservancy

    Washington, DC

    RTC Ohio leads implementation of the “Discover Ohio Trails System” that has expanded from 52 miles of trails in 1991 to 249 miles of trails in 1996. RTC Ohio will advocate for state support of trail acquisition and development as well as transportation policy reforms to enhance non-vehicle options. A portion of funds will support Ohio trail advocates participation in the national conference. Contact: Terry Berrigan (614.224.8707)

    $55,000 over 2 years

  • River Network

    Portland, Oregon

    The Watershed Health Information Project will develop media messages to promote citizen involvement in watershed protection. Contact: Liz Raisbeck (202.364.2550)


  • River Network

    Portland, Oregon

    For development of the “River CPR” (Citizens Protecting Rivers) program to develop a river protection “curriculum” for community service organizations. Contact: Liz Raisbeck (202.364.2550)


  • River Network

    Portland, Oregon

    RN will continue to provide technical and organizational assistance to state river councils in the Great Lakes region. Included in the upcoming year’s plan is development of outreach techniques for these councils, launching of a state river council in Michigan, and convening of a regional meeting for a regional grassroots river policy network. Contact: Liz Raisbeck (202.364.2550)


  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Legal research and coalition coordination on challenging Ohio’s audit privilege legislation. Contact: Jeff Skelding (614.487.7511)


  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    For legal research on the proposed streambed relocation of a portion of Tinkers Creek, a major tributary of the Cuyahoga River. Contact: Jeff Skelding (614.487.7511)


  • Safe Energy Communication Council

    Washington, DC

    SECC will develop and test a pilot training program for Ohio public utility managers. The program will be based at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, which is nationally recognized for its innovative energy efficiency programs. As many as ten public utilities from Ohio will participate. Contact: Scott Denman (202.483.8491)


  • Scenic America

    Washington, DC

    SA will continue its work to advance Ohio’s scenic byways program by providing policy input and technical assistance. A portion of this grant will assist Scenic Ohio, a new statewide nonprofit focused on scenic conservation. Contact: Meg Maguire (202.833.4300)


  • Seventh Generation

    Elyria, Ohio

    Based in Lorain County, SG conducts a variety of environmental programs including beautification, preservation, recycling, litter prevention, watershed conservation and environmental education. General support. Contact: George Espy (440.322.4187)

    $30,000 over 2 years

  • Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The Doan Brook is a significant tributary now heavily impacted by development that causes stormwater flooding problems. SLRNC’s “Year of the Brook” will provide public education and organize citizen input to plans to mitigate stormwater impacts, with the goal of identifying and implementing measures that have the least environmental impact. Contact: Nancy King Smith (216.321.5935)

    $38,000 over 18 months

  • St. Clair-Superior Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    SCSC is a neighborhood organization that has focused on issues such as housing code enforcement and rehabilitation, community safety and cultural activities. This grant will provide staff support to identify and provide education on community toxic health hazards. It will be assisted by students and faculty from Cleveland State University Contact: Yvonne Askew (216.881.0644)


  • Superior Wilderness Action Network

    St. Paul, Minnesota

    Travel scholarships for Great Lakes activists to participate in the National Forest Reform Rally. Contact: Laurie Fenner (612.646.6277)


  • Sustainable Energy for Economic Development

    Brecksville, Ohio

    SEED’s focus is on providing research and technical information for public education on sustainable energy options. In 1998 SEED will continue its wind power project as well as initiate its “Clean Power Pledge Campaign” as part of electric utility restructuring. General support. Contact: Una McGeough (216.321.4325)


  • The Center for Clean Air Policy

    Washington, DC

    ‘Green pricing’ allows consumers to pay a supplement to guarantee that their power was generated in a sustainable and environmentally benign fashion. Through its Sustainable Cities Initiative CCAP will promote green pricing strategies and other energy efficiency marketing concepts to progressive public utilities in Ohio. Its objective is to establish Ohio examples of ways in which utilities can enact energy efficiency programs. Contact: Catherine Morris (410.339.7548)


  • The Clean Air Conservancy

    Cleveland, Ohio

    CAC will continue its work on public participation in pollution permit trading, direct retirement of permits, and public education and policy development on electric utility restructuring. Contact: Kevin Snape (216.523.1111)


  • The Clean Water Fund

    Washington, DC

    CWF will provide training to citizen groups in Ohio on opportunities for enhanced water protection via the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. These workshops will be developed in conjunction with clean water protection activities by Ohio-based partners Rivers Unlimited, Citizens Policy Center and Ohio PIRG. Contact: Cyndi Roper (517.337.3133)


  • The Conservation Fund

    Arlington, Virginia

    Nonpoint source pollution originates from a variety of sources including residential development. This project will implement a low impact residential subdivision design pilot project to reduce nonpoint source runoff. This is a partnership with the Black River Remedial Action Plan, the Building Industries Association of Lorain County and the Ohio EPA. CF will provide technical assistance on model design standards and coordinate development of the demonstration project. Contact: Betsy Otto (312.913.9307)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • The Lake Erie Alliance, Inc

    Youngstown, New York

    LEA is a coalition of grassroots organizations focused on the preservation of Lake Erie. In the coming year, LEA plans to develop a State of the Lake report and conference, initiate a citizen’s LaMP program and conduct public education on lake protection issues. Contact: Terry Yonker (716.745.1257)


  • The Ohio Fund for the Environment

    Columbus, Ohio

    OFE serves as the statewide workplace giving program for 24 environmental nonprofit organizations throughout Ohio. In 1997–98, OFE will conduct campaigns in 19 workplaces. Contact: Philip Tanner (614.263.6367)

    $105,000 over 2 years

  • The Regents of the University of Michigan

    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    Working with a network of 40 producers, 100 public radio and four statewide radio networks, the GLRC produces 30 minutes of short radio news and features spots on Great Lakes environmental issues. This grant will partially support operations, a website and training workshop for radio journalists from the region. Contact: David Hammond (313.764.9210)

    $71,364 over 2 years

  • The Sierra Club Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    SC’s Northeast Ohio Chapter’s Urban Sprawl Committee will develop and deliver a traveling slide show “Sprawl Costs Us All” to citizens’ groups, municipal leaders and civic associations. Emphasis will be on providing objective information on the causes and impacts of sprawl, and on how individuals can have a voice in these issues. Contact: Lee Battdorf (216.321.9152)


  • The Sierra Club Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    Approximately 5 million anglers and families catch and eat fish from the Great Lakes each year. SC’s “Clean Water, Safe Fish” program will enhance public awareness of the dangers of eating contaminated fish, advocate for reduced inputs to the lakes, and promote better public information on health threats. Contact: Brett Hulsey (608.257.4994)


  • The Society of Environmental Journalists Inc.

    Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

    Ohio regional workshop for environmental journalists. Contact: Beth Parke (215.836.9970)


  • Tides Center

    San Francisco, California

    EWG provides data assembly and analysis on a wide range of environmental issues. In this project they will assemble data on contaminants in drinking water in Ohio, and selectively sample and analyze tap water from potentially contaminated sources. EWG will release this information in conjunction with Ohio-based organizations Citizen Action, Rivers Unlimited and Ohio PIRG. Contact: Ken Cook (202.667.6982)


  • Trust for Public Land

    San Francisco, California

    This grant will enable TPL to open an Eastern Great Lakes office in Cleveland to continue and expand its open space preservation activities. TPL currently has several projects in progress or planned in the Northeastern Ohio region. Contact: Cynthia Whiteford (612.338.8494)

    $105,000 over 2 years

  • Western Reserve Conservation and Development Council

    Painesville, Ohio

    The Countryside Program will continue to promote conservation development as a land conservation tool by providing technical assistance to local townships and municipalities in revising their zoning codes. Contact: Kirby Date (216.691.1665)


  • Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.

    Painesville, Ohio

    For The Countryside Program’s legal research on the compatibility of conservation development zoning with the Ohio Code. Contact: Kirby Date (216.691.1665)


  • Westside/Eastside Congregations Acting Now, Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    WE-CAN will, in partnership with BOLD (Broadfaith Organizing for Lorain’s Development) conduct a faith-based community organizing project to address urban sprawl in Greater Cleveland. The target is to organize up to 100 congregations to focus on local sprawl issues, as well as develop a regional consensus on policies to address sprawl. Contact: Sue Lacy (216.881.2344)

    $200,000 over 27 months

1997 Grants

$22,019,184 / 383 Grants