What Do you Think of Us: Part II
Foundation Commissions 2nd Grantee Perception Report
The George Gund Foundation’s 2005 grantees soon will receive a questionnaire from the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) asking for anonymous, confidential feedback on the work of the Foundation.
This is the second time the Foundation has participated in the CEP’s Grantee Perception Report, an evaluation tool that takes a look at everything from grantee interaction with Foundation staff to the Foundation’s impact in the community. More than 100 foundations have participated in this project since it began in 2003, providing an opportunity for foundations to compare their survey results with those of other foundations.
The Gund Foundation used feedback it received in the 2003 survey to make several changes that would increase its effectiveness and make it more responsive to grantee needs. Click here for 2003 survey results.
The deadline for completing the surveys is March 24, 2006.