Information About Upcoming March 19th Primary Election
Voting is a fundamental right and a vital part of our democratic process. On March 19, 2024, Ohio holds its presidential primary election. Polls open at 6:30 am and close at 7:30 pm.
Early in-person voting is underway and continues through March 17 at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, 2925 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. Vote-by-mail is also underway: ballots must be postmarked by March 19.
For more detailed information about voting and the election, visit the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections website.
There is only one issue included on the Cuyahoga County-wide primary ballot: Issue 26, the Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services Levy. It is located at the end of the ballot. Issue 26 proposes to extend an existing 4.8 mill tax levy for eight years. It is not a tax increase. The 4.8 mill renewal levy generates $137 million per year and is a substantial component of Cuyahoga County’s social safety net.
Levy funding currently provides support for services to seniors, MetroHealth hospital, community-based health care, families in crisis, abused and neglected children, high-quality affordable preschool, and individuals dealing with mental health issues or substance abuse. The outcome of this levy will play a significant role in determining the level of support and resources available to Cuyahoga County’s most vulnerable populations.