Urban Institute Releases Prisoner Re-Entry Report
The Urban Institute recently released the latest findings from its “Returning Home: Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Re-entry” study at an event hosted by The George Gund Foundation in Cleveland.
The report, “Cleveland Prisoners’ Experiences Returning Home,” chronicles the experience of more than 400 previously incarcerated individuals during the first months following their release from prison. The brief examines factors that may help or hinder successful reintegration, including employment, substance use, attitudes and beliefs, health status, criminal histories and family and community contexts. The report is available at http://www.urban.org/publications/311359.html.
Simultaneously, United Way Services of Greater Cleveland released a new community resource guide for previously incarcerated individuals and their families. The “Going Home to Stay” guide is intended to help people prepare for United Way Services of Greater Cleveland their release from prison. It provides information about available services, including health care, housing, clothing, legal assistance and employment. “Going Home to Stay” is also an excellent resource for social service providers working in the reentry field. The free guide is available at http://www.211cleveland.org/pdfs/communityreentry.pdf.