Speak Your Voice
Go online to vote for the best options for solving regional problems
Over the past year, many thousands of Northeast Ohio residents have identified the top challenges facing the region through an unprecedented public engagement process called Voices & Choices. Now it’s time for you to choose how to we should tackle those problems.
Learn about the tough choices that we must make and cast your vote on actions we should take by filling out a Voices & Choices Choicebook.
The Choicebook is an interactive online booklet that will describe the difficult choices facing Northeast Ohio and give you a chance to express your preferences about how we should invest our resources to turn Northeast Ohio’s economy around. Issues of concern include inadequate public school funding, developing a 21st century workforce, increasing racial inclusion and income equity, building a competitive business environment and addressing regional sprawl and government fragmentation.
Make your voice heard. Access the Voices & Choices Choicebook here.