In 2007, The George Gund Foundation started requiring all organizations seeking a grant from the Foundation to include a statement on their approaches and/or ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fifteen years later, all grant requests…
The George Gund Foundation is seeking two candidates to join its team. The program officer will play a key role in grant reviews and special projects for the program directors for Thriving Families and Social Justice…
For a limited time, people employed in nonprofits and public service may receive credit for past periods of repayment on federal loans (e.g., student loans) that would not otherwise qualify under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness…
The George Gund Foundation awarded $15.9 million at its July board meeting, with support for maintaining access to comprehensive reproductive health care a particular focus of grant awards. This included new awards to Pro-Choice Ohio ($240,000),…
The George Gund Foundation has supported reproductive rights since its founding in 1952. Today, as those rights are stripped by the U.S. Supreme Court majority, we reconfirm with renewed fervor our steadfast commitment to reproductive freedom…
The George Gund Foundation is seeking candidates for Program Director for Vibrant Neighborhoods and Inclusive Economy, a key position in the Foundation’s grantmaking and community investment efforts. The Foundation has engaged Koya Partners to lead the…
Alesha Washington, program director for Vibrant Neighborhoods and Inclusive Economy since 2020, is leaving The George Gund Foundation next month. She has been selected to become the next president and CEO of the Seattle Foundation. During…
The George Gund Foundation awarded $4.7 million at its first board meeting of the year under the leadership of its new president, Tony Richardson. Grants reflect a continued emphasis on racial justice, the increasingly evident threats…