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Nonprofits have an important role to play in increasing voter registration and turnout. Learn how you can make this a part of your organization’s activities at this training session on Monday, April 30.  Jocelyn L. Travis,…

CLEVELAND OH — The George Gund Foundation made grants at its first quarterly meeting of 2007 to support planning for six innovative new schools in the Cleveland Municipal School District and to encourage new residents and businesses to…

The George Gund Foundation is seeking a senior secretary to be part of its five-person support staff team, performing general office and grants management tasks as well as providing administrative assistance to two program officers. The…

Nonprofit Management and Organization Innovation The Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Case Western Reserve University is accepting nominations for two annual award programs. The 2007 Leadership in Nonprofit Management Award is for an individual with…

Ohio Grantmakers Forum (OGF) has released a report, “Education for Ohio’s Future,” which provides a comprehensive look at education in the state from preschool through college. The report, prepared by a taskforce of grantmakers from throughout…

We Believe that thriving cities are and will remain one of the nation’s best hopes for addressing essential issues.

CLEVELAND OH — The George Gund Foundation re-affirmed its commitment to revitalizing Cleveland’s neighborhoods with a three-year $3.6 million grant to Neighborhood Progress, Inc. and a $300,000 grant to Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland. NPI, which is the principal…

The George Gund Foundation Fellowship provides an opportunity for promising professionals to work inside the Foundation, a philanthropic organization that plays a vital role in supporting the civic life of Greater Cleveland and in various national…

Named America’s Second Harvest Member of the Year The Cleveland Foodbank, a longtime Foundation grantee, has been named America’s Second Harvest Member of the Year. The award is the most prestigious annual honor Second Harvest bestows…