National Advocacy Expert to Present Free Programs in Cleveland
Sue Hoechstetter, senior advisor for foundation advocacy and evaluation at the Alliance for Justice, will be in Cleveland May 16 and 17 to meet with local funders and nonprofits interested in funding and engaging in advocacy work.
Hochstetter, one of the nation’s leading experts in advocacy capacity-building and advocacy evaluation, will present a free “how-to” workshop May 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Cleveland Foodbank Community Room, 15500 South Waterloo Road. She will be available, by reservation, for free half-hour consultations with individual organizations May 17 from 9 a.m. to noon at The George Gund Foundation, 45 W. Prospect Avenue.
Reservations for the seminar or for individual consultations should be made by contacting Joyce Hancock at 216-241-3114 or