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CLEVELAND OH — The George Gund Foundation made several grants at its March meeting aimed at helping to ensure fairness in federal and state budget proposals. The Center for Community Solutions received a $75,000 grant on behalf of…

CLEVELAND OH — The George Gund Foundation made major grants at its December meeting for the Cleveland Museum of Art’s renovation and expansion project, Cuyahoga County’s Invest in Children Initiative and other programs that reflect the Foundation’s continuing…

CLEVELAND, OH — The George Gund Foundation awarded grants at its September meeting to organizations working to improve public policy in Ohio related to child welfare, public education, adoption and health care access. “Year after year we make…

CLEVELAND, OH — George Gund Foundation Trustees made a $1.6 million grant at their June meeting for construction of the Idea Center, a downtown facility that will serve as a shared home for ideastream, Cleveland’s public broadcasting organization,…

Cleveland, OH — The George Gund Foundation continued its longstanding commitment to Cleveland’s neighborhoods with a three-year $3 million grant to Neighborhood Progress, Inc. (NPI) and renewal of more than $500,000 in certificates of deposit at community-focused ShoreBank…

We Believe that thriving cities are and will remain one of the nation’s best hopes for addressing essential issues.

Cleveland, OH — George Gund Foundation trustees approved grants at their last quarterly meeting of 2003 to improve teacher training in Ohio, upgrade and expand parks in downtown Cleveland and help build a new community foodbank facility. The…

Cleveland, OH — The George Gund Foundation made grants at its September meeting that will encourage formation of sound public policy in Ohio related to higher education, public school funding, prisoner re-entry and smart growth development. The Foundation…

Cleveland, OH — The George Gund Foundation made grants at its June meeting to launch the new Health Policy Institute of Ohio, insure better legal representation for Ohioís juvenile offenders and continue efforts to promote green building standards…