Grantmaking /

Awarded Grants


  • American Farmland Trust

    Washington, DC

    AFT’s Ohio office will continue to lead, inform and coordinate farmland preservation efforts throughout the state, which will be aided by preservation bills now in the legislature. AFT will also pilot test its Strategic Farmland Mapping Project to help identify key farmland in need of protection at the county level. Contact: Kevin Schmidt (614.469.9877)

    $75,000 over 2 years

  • Center for Health Environment and Justice

    Falls Church, Virginia

    CHEJ provides technical information and organizing assistance to grassroots toxics groups in the Great Lakes region. Major program emphases include the Stop Dioxin Exposure and Health Care Without Harm campaigns. Contact: Lois Gibbs (703.237.2249)

    $90,000 over 2 years

  • Center for Plant Conservation, Inc.

    St. Louis, Missouri

    The Midwest Rare Plant Task Force has focused on linking field information and conservation with captive propagation programs for the 200 rare and threatened plants in the region. This grant will assist setup of a geographic information system (in conjunction with a global positioning system and genetic analysis techniques) to track the location and status of wild populations and link this information with a network of regional arboreta that maintain the captive reserves of these plants. Contact: Brian Meil


  • Center for Resource Economics

    Washington, DC

    Island Press is a national, nonprofit publisher of environmental books and reports. This grant will assist organizational capacity building. Contact: Chuck Savitt (202.232.7933)

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • Chagrin River Land Conservancy

    Novelty, Ohio

    The CRLC is dedicated to the preservation of the Chagrin River watershed. Its $1 million Land Protection Fund will provide funds for land acquisition. This grant will support planning, surveying, appraisal and legal costs for land transactions. Contact: Richard Cochran (440.247.0880)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc.

    Willoughby, Ohio

    The CRWP is a coalition of 27 communities, nonprofits and government agencies focused on the preservation of the Chagrin River watershed. CRWP provides technical and planning assistance, and research on issues such as flood control and riparian zone protection. Contact: Thomas Denbow (440.975.3870)

    $48,000 over 2 years

  • Citizens League Research Institute

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The Northeast Ohio Regional Alliance (NORA) has served as a focal point for regional dialogue on urban sprawl issues since 1996. NORA has convened a wide range of interests around these issues, and in this expanded effort will add information clearinghouse functions to its mission. Contact: Pat Carey (216.371.5114)


  • Citizens Policy Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The Ohio Safe Drinking Water campaign will focus on advocacy efforts on the Lake Erie Basin, Ohio River Basin and source water protection in the implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Total Maximum Daily Load programs. Contact: Sandy Buchanan (216.861.5200)

    $120,000 over 2 years

  • Citizens Policy Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    The CPC will continue to document campaign contributions and reporting compliance. A special study of campaign contributions and environmental legislation will be conducted. Contact: Sandy Buchanan (216.861.5200)


  • Citizens Policy Center

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For research and a public hearing on the impact of Ohio’s audit privilege law on environmental regulatory enforcement. Contact: Sandy Buchanan (215.861.5200)


  • City of Mentor

    Mentor, Ohio

    For planning for the conservation of Mentor Lagoons, the last intact portion of the original wild habitat on the Ohio Lake Erie shoreline. Contact: Julian Suso (440.255.1100)


  • Cleveland Foundation

    Cleveland, Ohio

    This project is a cooperative venture of the eight county park districts and national park unit, and will examine the respective roles of these park districts and explore the potential for cooperative opportunities. Contact: Robert Eckardt (216.861.3810)


  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Pre-design study to assess aspects of improvements to the planetarium. Contact: James King (216.231.4600)


  • Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For a workshop for community development corporations and builders by Bethel New Life and the Argonne Laboratories on the construction of energy efficient low-income housing. Contact: Mikelann Rensel (216.268.3130)


  • Cleveland State University Foundation

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For reprinting and distribution of “Tax Base Disparity: Development of Greater Cleveland’s Sapphire Necklace,” a research report on urban sprawl impacts. Contact: Tom Bier (216.523.7284)


  • Cleveland State University Foundation

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For two community-oriented projects by the Center for Environmental Science, Technology and Policy; a survey of school based environmental education programs in northwest Ohio, and a survey of freshwater mussel populations in the Cuyahoga River. Contact: Mark Tumeo (216.687.4868)

    $73,233 over 2 years

  • Coast Alliance

    Washington, DC

    CA is a coalition focused on coastal protection issues, providing information, technical assistance and a link between grassroots groups and federal policymakers. In the Great Lakes region CA will assist efforts to remediate contaminated sediments and reduce nonpoint pollution runoff. Contact: Jackie Savitz (202.546.9554)

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • Conservation Resource Alliance

    Traverse City, Michigan

    This continuation grant will allow publication and conduct workshops on the use of “Seeking Signs of Success: A Framework for Measuring and Improving Watershed Program Effectiveness”. This publication is a user-friendly manual to assist watershed conservation organizations in program evaluation. Contact: Amy Beyer (616.946.6817)


  • Consultative Group on Biological Diversity Inc.

    San Francisco, California

    Operating support.


  • Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization The Cuyahoga Remedial Action Plan monitors river quality conditions, develops plans of action and undertakes restoration projects. This multi-stakeholder project will also house the American Heritage River Program; the Cuyahoga is one of 13 rivers designated nationally in 1998. Contact: John Beeker (216.241.2414 x250)

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • Earth Action Network

    Norwalk, Connecticut

    This one-time grant will aid development of a stable funding base for the production and distribution of E Magazine. Contact: Doug Moss (203.854.5559)


  • Earth Day Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    EDC will conduct research to examine models of “green” office buildings and shared office facilities for nonprofit environmental organizations. Contact: Chris Trepal (216.281.6468)


  • Earth Day Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For organizational capacity building. Contact: Chris Trepal/Scott Sanders (216.281.6468)

    $78,220 over 2 years

  • Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund

    San Fancisco, California

    EJLDF (formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund) and its national and regional partners will continue work in the Great Lakes region as part of the National Hydropower Coalition that advocates for inclusion of river protection and restoration as part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s dam relicensing process. Contact: Vawter Parker (415.627.6700)


  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    In the fall of 1998 ECC will host the national meeting of the National Growth Management Leadership Project. NGMLP consists of representatives from 25 state and regional organizations focused on advancement of growth management options to combat urban sprawl impacts. This grant will assist in planning and hosting the conference. Contact: David Beach (216.932.3007)

    Up to $19,500

  • EcoCity Cleveland

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For the Alt-Trans group’s research, writing and publication of the booklet “Car Free in Cleveland” Contact: David Beach (216.932.3007)


  • Energy Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    For the writing and distribution of How Smart Growth Can Stop Sprawl, a funders briefing book on urban sprawl. Contact: Allison Daly (Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse 202.588.6023)


  • Environmental and Energy Study Institute

    Washington, DC

    EESI’s Sustainable Communities and Energy Policy programs will, respectively, educate policymakers on federal policy reform options to reduce incentives for urban sprawl and increase support for energy efficiency programs and development of alternative energy technologies. Contact: Carol Werner (202.628.1400)

    $70,000 over 2 years

  • Environmental Health Watch Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    General support for EHW’s Household Hazards Information Line, Lead + Asthma Project and Chemical Accident Right-To-Know Project. Contact: Stuart Greenberg (216.961.4646)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • Environmental Law Institute

    Washington, DC

    In 1998 ELI published Ohio’s Biological Diversity: Strategies and Tools for Conservation. In 1999 ELI will conduct a statewide workshop that will help form the nucleus of a new set of biodiversity conservation efforts in the state. Contact: Jim McElfish (202.939.3800)


  • Environmental Support Center, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    The State Environmental Leadership Council will continue its national leadership development retreat, hire a policy coordinator and develop a mentoring program to pair new state environmental council leaders with veteran leaders. Contact: Jim Abernathy (202.966.9834)

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • Environmental Support Center, Inc.

    Washington, DC

    General support for ESC’s program efforts in the Great Lakes region that includes the Training and Organizational Assistance, Equipment and Services, Workplace Fundraising, State Environmental Leadership Conference and Environmental Loan Fund programs. Contact: Jim Abernathy (202.966.9834)

    $60,000 over 2 years

  • Eschaton Foundation

    Oakland, California

    Publication of the Great Lakes Environmental Directory. Contact: Bill Leland (408.457.0130)


  • Foundation for Environmental Education

    Columbus, Ohio

    Based on the success of the “Environment Weekly” television series that is distributed nationally through public, school and university broadcast and cable systems, FEE will produce and distribute a 13-part series entitled “Environmental Threats to Children’s Health.” Contact: Glenn Kizer (614.823.6243)


  • Georgetown University

    Washington, DC

    As the takings/property rights issues have shifted from legislative initiatives to court challenges, the Environmental Policy Project at Georgetown Law School will provide technical and legal advice, convene educational workshops, establish a website and file amicus briefs in support of defending inappropriate property rights takings challenges. Contact: John Echeverria (202.662.9850)


  • Great Lakes United

    Amherst, New York

    This continuation grant will support GLU’s Biodiversity and Habitat Task Force whose plans include regionwide work on fisheries, forests, open water and river issues. GLU provides technical support, coordination and networking to 350 organizations and individuals in the region. Contact: Margaret Wooster (716.886.0142)


  • Headwaters Land Trust

    Hiram, Ohio

    For a workshop on conservation easements for land trusts in the Cleveland region. Contact: Stanley Fisher (216.527.4343)


  • Heartwood, Incorporated

    Bloomington, Indiana

    HW is a midwest regional umbrella for 75 grassroots forest conservation organizations in 18 states. This grant will assist HW in providing technical and legal assistance as part of its Network Support Program. Contact: Andy Mahler (812.337.8898)


  • Heartwood, Incorporated

    Bloomington, Indiana

    In this phase the Appalachian Restoration Campaign will complete its mapping/assessment of the region (southeastern Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania), develop public education materials and organize citizens groups to advocate for forest protection measures. Contact: Andy Mahler (812.337.8892)

    $80,000 over 2 years

  • INFORM, Inc.

    New York, New York

    In partnership with the Citizen’s Policy Center, INFORM will assist Oberlin College, Cleveland State University and the University of Akron in implementing their respective campus waste reduction programs. Contact: Joanna Underwood (212.361.2412)


  • Institute for Conservation Leadership

    Takoma Park, Maryland

    ICL will offer two additional “classes” of the Great Lakes Executive Directors Development Program that provides intensive workshops, consultation and mentoring on organizational management and leadership issues for the executive directors of environmental organizations throughout the region. Contact: Dianne Russell (301.270.2900)

    $160,000 over 2 years

  • Institute for Conservation Leadership

    Takoma Park, Maryland

    For a follow-up workshop for the Class of ’97 of the Great Lakes Executive Director Development Program. Contact: Dianne Russell (301.270.2900)


  • Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

    MSU’s environmental journalism program will conduct a five day intensive Great Lakes Environmental Journalism Training Institute for both print and broadcast journalists in the Great Lakes region of the US and Canada. A new handbook “Covering Environmental Issues in the Great Lakes” will be published and distributed. Contact: Jim Detjen (517.353.9479)


  • National Audubon Society

    New York, New York

    For the Great Lakes Regional Office’s assistance to the Ohio Natural Resource Coalition’s project to study the feasibility of a habitat conservation bond issue in Ohio. Contact: Steve Sedam (614.224.3305)


  • National Trust for Historic Preservation

    Washington, DC

    The Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse will provide a range of information dissemination and coordination services for research, education and advocacy on combating urban sprawl and promoting growth management alternatives. Contact: Alison Daly (202.588.6023)

    $70,000 over 2 years

  • National Wildlife Refuge Association

    Washington, DC

    The National Wildlife Refuge System totals 92.3 million acres in 500 units. It is under threat from recreation, development and resource extraction interests. In the first year of this project NWRA networked and replicated successful “Friends of the Refuge” groups to provide a base of local support for refuges. NWRA also will develop a “how to” manual and training workshops. Second year support will continue outreach, networking and training activities. Contact: David Tobin (202.298.


  • Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

    New York, New York

    The Clean Air Network provides a link between federal policy efforts and grassroots groups nationwide. In 1999 and 2000 CAN will undertake campaigns on dirty power plants, airborne sources of toxic mercury, and dirty diesel engines. This grant will help support CAN’s efforts in the Great Lakes region. Contact: Jayne Mardock (202.289.2429)

    $30,000 over 2 years

  • Nature Conservancy

    Arlington, Virginia

    This project will apply the national aquatic biodiversity classification system to assess information gaps, identify areas of high biodiversity conservation priority, and share this information with the conservation community in the region. Contact: Helen Taylor (312.759.8017)


  • Oberlin College

    Oberlin, Ohio

    Preliminary planning grant for a speaker series on ecological design. Contact: David Orr (440.774.2490)


  • Oberlin College

    Oberlin, Ohio

    This grant will support the planning phase of an enhanced speaker series on ecological design to be held at various sites throughout the Cleveland region. Emphasis will be on anticipating upcoming projects and bringing in nationally recognized intellectual leaders to lecture and conduct workshops on these topics. Contact: David Orr (440.774.2490)


  • Ohio Environmental Council

    Columbus, Ohio

    The Ohio Clean Air Campaign will focus on utility deregulation and reduction of air emissions from Ohio’s dirty coal plants, plants that emit ten times as much pollutants as comparable modern plants. Contact: Vicki Deisner (614.487.7506)


  • Ohio Environmental Council

    Columbus, Ohio

    The Democracy 2000 project will conduct initial citizen organizing and training on reform of the rulemaking process in Ohio. Contact: Vicki Deisner (614.487.7506)


  • Ohio Environmental Council

    Columbus, Ohio

    For organizational capacity building. OEC serves as an umbrella for over 117 organizations statewide. Contact: Vicki Deisner (614.487.7506)

    $88,000 over 2 years

  • Ohio Lake Management Society

    Kent, Ohio

    The Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring (CLAM) project coordinates a statewide network of volunteers who monitor water quality in lakes and, as such, serve as an early warning system for water degradation in aquatic systems that are often not included in federal, state and local agency monitoring programs. This program expansion will add 20 lakes and conduct additional training for volunteer monitors. Contact: Dana Oleskiewicz (330.672.5475)

    $40,000 over 2 years

  • Ohio to Erie Trail Fund

    Columbus, Ohio

    The OETF is a 325-mile hike/bike trail that will, when completed, link Cincinnati and the Ohio River to Cleveland and Lake Erie. Eighty percent of the trail is now in public hands. OETF provides planning and coordination of segment acquisition and development, and helps local trail groups to access state funds. Contact: Ed Honton (614.402.5078)


  • Portage Land Association Conservation and Education

    Kent, Ohio

    For the Northeast Ohio Land Trust Associations’ workshop on land trust practices. Contact: Chris Craycroft (330.673.9404)


  • River Network

    Portland, Oregon

    A portion of this grant will support continuation of the National Leadership Forum to provide ongoing training to the heads of state and regional river councils. A second component will study the feasibility of a national conference for river conservation organizations. A third component will focus on continuing technical and leadership development assistance to river leaders in the Great Lakes region. Contact: Ken Margolis (503.241.3506)


  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Ohio has 61,000 miles of rivers and streams. RU serves as the statewide voice for river protection, providing both policy input to the legislature and state agencies, and technical assistance to local river protection organizations around Ohio. General support. Contact: Robert McCance (614.487.7511)

    $100,000 over 2 years

  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    The Ohio Greenways Project will continue to educate and provide technical assistance in addition to advocating for a statewide program to promote greenways. The centerpiece of this effort is “A Blueprint for Action” with 13 policy recommendations. Contact: Elaine Marsh (216.657.2055)

    $124,000 over 2 years

  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    RU, the statewide river council for Ohio, will conduct strategic and capacity building planning to expand its support base. Contact: Jeff Skelding (614.487.7511)


  • Rivers Unlimited

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    A coalition composed of RU, Citizens Policy Center, Ohio PIRG, Sierra Club and the Ohio Environmental Council has petitioned the US EPA to revoke Ohio EPA


  • Rural Action, Inc.

    Trimble, Ohio

    In a six-county region of southeast Ohio the Sustainable Forest Economies Project will focus on conserving biodiversity on private forest land by providing landowners with information on sustainable forestry, watershed protection, value added timber products and nontimber forest products. RA will identify new markets and marketing techniques, conduct workshops and find economic alternatives to clearcutting in a region where the poverty rate is 33%. Contact: Carol Kuhre (614.767.4938)


  • Safe Energy Communication Council

    Washington, DC

    The first part of this grant ($40,000) will support follow-up with the six public utilities in Ohio that participated in the Ohio Public Utility Training Program to assist them in integrating energy efficiency options into their provision of power. The second part ($25,000) will support SECC’s technical assistance on electric utility deregulation to Ohio citizens groups. Contact: Scott Denman (202.483.8491)


  • Scenic Ohio

    Columbus, Ohio

    SO will work to promote the state’s scenic byways program and assist communities in developing local byways programs, signage ordinances and viewshed protection. SO will also monitor billboard permits and encourage the removal of illegal billboards. Contact: Marian Vance (614.228.3274)

    $30,000 over 2 years

  • Seventh Generation

    Elyria, Ohio

    SG is a broad-based environmental organization in Lorain County (on the western edge of Cleveland). This grant will aid SG’s coordination and technical assistance to the Urban Sprawl Task Force that is seeking solutions to this problem in their community. Contact: George Espy (440.322.4187)

    $20,000 over 2 years

  • St. Clair-Superior Coalition

    Cleveland, Ohio

    SCSC is a neighborhood organization that has focused on issues such as housing code enforcement and rehabilitation, community safety and cultural activities. This grant will continue to provide staff support to identify and provide education on community toxic health hazards. Cleveland State University students and faculty will provide assistance. Contact: Yvonne Askew (216.881.0644)


  • St. Vincent De Paul Society

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For technical assistance on the development of a “white goods” recycling program to recycle discarded washers, dryers, ranges and refrigerators. Contact: Larry Lauter (216.696.6525)


  • Sustainable Energy for Economic Development

    Brecksville, Ohio

    SEED’s plans for 1999 include conducting a wind energy resource project, solar home tour, speaker series, power aggregation research and “Clean Power Pledge” program for consumers. Contact: Carol Sahley (216.321.4325)


  • The Clean Air Conservancy

    Cleveland, Ohio

    General support. CAC purchases electric utility pollution permits, conducts school education programs and is developing a NOx market for Ohio. One of CAC’s goals in 1999 is to “retire” 1,120,000 pounds of sulfur dioxide. Contact: Kevin Snape (216.932.8999)


  • The Clean Air Conservancy

    Cleveland, Ohio

    A coalition of local groups will assess the feasibility of conducting a media campaign on the environmental impacts of electric utility deregulation. Contact: Kevin Snape (216.523.1111)


  • The Lake Erie Alliance, Inc

    Youngstown, New York

    LEA is a binational organization focused on the protection and improvement of Lake Erie. This grant is for general support, with $15,000 awarded outright and $20,000 awarded on a 1:1 match basis. Contact: Terry Yonker (716.745.1257)


  • The Land Institute

    Salina, Kansas

    The Land Institute researches, develops and promotes “natural systems agriculture”-a system of agriculture that mimics the ecosystem structure of the natural prairie to reduce or eliminate energy and pesticide inputs and soil erosion. This grant will support development of concept plans for the Center for Natural Systems Agriculture. Contact: Wes Jackson (785.823.5376)


  • The North Cuyahoga Valley Corridor, Inc.

    Cleveland, Ohio

    For educational activities of the West Creek Preservation Committee. Contact: Tim Donovan (330.348.1825)


  • The Northeast-Midwest Institute

    Washington, DC

    NEMWI provides policymaker education on issues impacting the Great Lakes region. This project will focus on the policy implications of new nonpoint water pollution source reduction programs, and identify implementation issues. Contact: Allegra Cangelosi (202.544.5200)


  • The Regents of the University of Michigan

    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    For development and Great Lakes regional distribution of Endangered Species Update, a publication that tracks programs to conserve endangered species. Contact: Misty McPhee (313.763.3243)


  • The River Alliance of Wisconsin, Inc.

    Madison, Wisconsin

    RAW’s Small Dams Project will, in partnership with Trout Unlimited, develop and disseminate a program to provide technical information on and promote the removal of small (less than 15) dams that impact aquatic biodiversity protection. Pilot programs will be initially developed in Wisconsin, which has over 3,600 small dams, some 300–400 of which may be obsolete and candidates for removal. Contact: Sara Johnson (608.257.2424)


  • The Sierra Club Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    The SC’s Ohio chapter will conduct the Grassroots Campaign for Sustainable Transportation that monitors and serves as an “early warning” on Ohio Department of Transportation projects, and informs and coordinates local citizens groups around the state on providing input to these projects. Contact: Marc Conte (614.461.0734)


  • The Society of Environmental Journalists Inc.

    Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

    The SEJ Ohio Chapter will undertake a range of journalist education activities including an annual meeting, outreach to editors, internships and fellowships. Contact: Beth Parke (215.836.9970)


  • Tides Center

    San Francisco, California

    The Sustainable Tax Reform Project will look at environmentally beneficial alternatives to the existing tax structure in Ohio. Contact: Andrew Hoerner (202.331.5521)


  • Water Watch of Oregon

    Portland, Oregon

    WW promotes policies that protect the quality and quantity of instream flows in Oregon. Contact: Reed Benson (503.295.4039)

    $50,000 over 2 years

  • Western Reserve RC&D, Inc.

    Painesville, Ohio

    Northeastern Ohio loses farmland at a rate of ten acres per hour. The Center for Farmland Preservation will help inform and coordinate farmland preservation efforts in a nine-county region surrounding Cleveland. Contact: Sara Pavlovicz (330.722.9208)


1998 Grants

$32,626,894 / 432 Grants